By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost two years proposed to me. Everything was perfect. The ring was beautiful. And seconds after I said yes, he went to play his new Xbox game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 726
You deserved it 7 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobsanction 18

Oh boo ******* hoo. He obviously loves you enough to propose. Quit being a selfish bitch.


LadyTammyA 0

I really don't see what the big deal is. You clearly knew about his game playing, long before you ever said yes to him, so why the surprise/indignation now?? Or are you one of those women that is convinced you'll change your guy into the perfect "image"? If so, get over yourself!!

It's COD - it's a male version of chocolate, shoes and diamonds combined. Suck it up. I bet you force him to watch all your chick shows.

What's the problem? If it was me, I would have joined him at his game.

mylifesucksserio 15

this sounds made up, no guy can be that much of an asshole, Can they ?

cowboyy_fml 0

that's gay just give him the ring back and tell him to go get a life

38. You're too young to understand. When you grow up some you will get it.

somebody is never getting married. p.s. i'm talking about you..

What is he suppose to do? It pisses me off that my wife bitches every time I get on the 360. She will not even try it. She commented about how she would rather play pac-man. I downloaded pac-man for her and still won't touch the game. She just continues with the bitching. I need a women that understands and will join in.

I'm with you on this one. I go to romantic, girly movies with my woman. I cuddle and watch Snapped with her. I even have sex with her when she's in the mood. But as soon as I pick up my controller she says,"you never want to do anything with me!". I say,"Heifer, you never want to anything with me."

Aww, that's too bad. OP, I understand xbl steals souls but if you haven't tried playing with him, go for it. I play b ops and halo with my boyfriend. At least he proposed. My boyfriend makes excuses because he's afraid of commitment. He wants to get married but he's scared. Can't knock it til you tried it. :)

my younger son is lucky. his wife is hot. plats ps3, goes camping, fishing and hunting. amen for hot Alaskan babes

Maybe you should stop whining about your spouse on the Internet and actually talk to her. If you'd rather bitch to random Internet people about your marriage problems than try to fix it you must have horrible communication in your marriage.

And I may be young but I've been with the same guy for 2 & 1/2 years. When there's a problem we don't whine about it to our friends. We sit down and talk about it. I'm sorry if I sounded rude before but it irritates me when people growl about their relationship. Fix it, accept it, or leave it.

auto_da_fe 2

That sounds really frustrating :( I at least try games with my boyfriend because I know when we have our own apartment that's what he'll be doing in some of his free time, since that's really the only thing he has for entertainment at his house (he lives an hour away from town in the mountains and currently has no phone service.) CitrusGirl, it kind of sounds like he's talked to her about it before (because of the Pac-man), but I don't think it was necessary for him to vent online either.

that sucks for you!. My bf loves the fact that I am a dork just like him. He plays his xbox and I come over to play the latest computer games on his computer because mine is too slow :(. Sometiems we play xbox together if game has a dual mode.