By BirthdayGirl - 02/03/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that lunch with his guys was more important than spending time with me. This is the second year in a row that he has cancelled on me. How do I remember the date so well? It's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 289
You deserved it 5 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Second year in a row? And you're still with him? I mean, if he hasn't gotten it by now...


your looking at it from the wrong angle. lunch is a VERY important meal, your boyfriend knows this! why not join him in his lunch! or even better, make him some food, because its your birthday!

Osakhomen 0

Should have dumped his ass the 1st time.

SeximusPrime 0

Confront him or dump him. The more you let this go on, the longer he'll be totally clueless that he's hurting your feelings. Most marriages and relationships fail because of a LACK OF COMMUNICATION.

DAMN he is mean... dude he doesn't deserve you just dump him :)

Josh_Factor 0

YDI for dating a loser for two years. Sheesh, who knows how many great guys you passed up because you were with a guy who obviously doesn't appreciate you.

op? have you guys discussed plans or is he just a jerk oftentimes people in relationships miss communication talk it out if he doesn't get things dump him not worthy of your time hell with that drama!

Dump him if you don't like him. (...or would you rather complain on UGH.