By anonymous - 29/12/2009 01:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me 80 times in 5 minutes. I had previously told him I was with my friends. He left me a voicemail proposing saying he loved me to death and he was crying. We've been dating for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 234
You deserved it 5 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shockcrow 0

yea.. i thinks its um, TIME TO NICELY DUMP him. good luck, he wont do anything stupid... but why are u his gf and didnt know about this before u were bf and gf? kinda rushed into it..

sounds like he "mosbey'd" u note i didnt make that phrase up its off "how i met ur mother"

Hahaha easiest way to end any relationship. I love HIMYM

Emily97Grace 0

dumpppp hiiiim/////he a stalkerrrrrr((: lol

girlygirllol8 0

haha #7 u got that right! lol..what r they 10?!

dump him, get a no-contact order, and call the cops when you see him perched on the ledge under your window at night (note: i said "when," not "if")

mef_fml 0

wtf??? thats crazy...did you know him for longer than the week youve been dating? i agree with other people though, you should get out now...and yeah, a restraining order is prolly a good idea.

once i was worried about my dad b/c when i got home from school he wasnt home, and he wasnt answering his phone. i called him a bunch, b/c i was really worried. but seriously? 80 times? i wouldnt dump him right away (depending on how much u like him) but i'd have a SERIOUS talk with him.

omg boyfriends like that are obsessive and very scary don't do it!