By inlovewithstupid - 04/09/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend bitched me out for being too controlling. Apparently, not only am I being unreasonable by not wanting him visiting strip clubs with his friends, I'm also just "looking for excuses to get mad" at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 396
You deserved it 17 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Richard16 0

Get your self a male stripper... :)

my_usagi 0

Going to strip clubs and getting hard to girls taking off their clothes and dancing on your lap is cheating. It's different than ****. So, if you don't mind your bf watching girls strip at a club, what's the difference between that and him going over to his friend "sarahs" apartment so she can strip for him and give him a dance? What it's not like he's sleeping with her, right? If he thinks she's psycho for that. Then she can go dance naked and cocktease men, and if he doesn't like it, then he's "psycho".


Bekavera 4

He clearly has issues:( Time to dump him and move on:)

nkiindy 0

Who cares. Strippers aren't gf's, he comes home to you let him go

Strippers are only there to look at, it is not like he is having sex with them. At least he is appricative enough to still come home to you. You should not comment about it unless he tells you not to look at othermen and or see male strippers

schaflava 0

OP sounds like the kind of girl who is constantly getting cheated on and ****** over. Quit trying to be a boss, you aren't calling the shots butt luggage.

Honestly if he's going on a "guys night out" why not just go to a bar or something and get a few drinks? I wouldn't do that to my girlfriend, but that's just me!

erikaa916 0

there should be more guys like you, 148!

there are a lot of girls out there who think the same! I'm like that too! I think there is no reason to go if you are dating someone! some may think different but I believe if a boy is in a relationship they shouldn't go and look at other naked women !

You are being a little ridiculous. It's strippers, if you're worried about your bf going for a stripper you either have really low self esteem or need to reevaluate who you're dating. Go to the strip club sometime, the only guys there that seem genuinely interested in the strippers are the old men, REALLY drunk guys, or the creepy ***** by themselves that usually look like rapists. If he's going with his friends, he's just going for the hell of it. Chill out, strip clubs are fun.

He's just going "for the hell of it"? Is that a legitimate reason to do anything? I mean, obviously, even if you refuse to accept it, there must be a subconscious reason one goes to a strip club. Frankly, I don't think anyone who needs to go to strip club to be entertained while being in a relationship is worth any girl's time. He really must not have much in common with his friends if he needs to bond over a mutual attraction to pussy. I'm not going to get started on how demoralizing strip clubs are to women, as that argument's been overplayed, but I still acknowledge its basis.

alikissme92 0

I bet all the people that said you deserved it were all guys because they don't understand anything!

No actually most of them are girls (like myself) who are confident in themselves and their relationships and actually have a loving honest and trusting relationship and have no issues where their hubby's go because they know they will come home to their wives/girlfriends.....:)

loghan_fml 5

All these girls saying it's no big deal for your boyfriend or husband to go to a strip club obviously you don't have enough self respect. You will take what you can get while other women know what they deserve. Which is not having some douche bag boy who needs to go watch girls disregarding herself dancing around half naked. Wake up girls, stop worrying about "controlling" them and get yourself some standards

Ummm...nope! I happen to have a lot of self respect & trust my husband completely! I know who he's coming home to. Instead of me being controlling, he tells me the truth about what he's been up to & gives me the same freedom. Makes our relationship even stronger because of the trust. As we get older, we're less & less interested in going to any club. That honesty & trust is what has enabled us to remain happily married after 12 yrs!

spencerxo 0

He'll yeah!! Strip clubs are fun just like regular clubs. It's a change of scenery and the girls go out of their way to make other girls feel comfortable. So take your nose out of the air for a second and quit thinking that just because you and your man have that agreement, that it is the only way to make a relationship work. You are close minded as VERY wrong. I love my husband to DEATH. but I have to problem watching him get a lapdance. I am secure with how I look and his love for me that seeing another girl on him makes me happily jealous. Seeing a hot girl hit on your man makes you proud he is yours!! :) I love it so don't judge!!

loghan_fml 5

Oh I'm secure with how I look too. I think the strip clubs are for single guys though. If your husband was so happy and in love with you I don't think he'd need to go watch a half naked woman dancing. Imagine how awkward it must be for the dancer to be dancing for your loser husbands knowing he's in a relationship.

spencerxo 0

My 'loser' husband makes 500,000 a year so watch your tone. And it's MY decision to go to the strip club my husband has no problem staying home. :) it's fun for us to go hangout with other sexy people. And when I see another sexy woman I do not get jealous, that is being secure. And most of those dancers are in relationships too. Just because they may have had kids early and need help doesn't make them any less of a person. You are just ridiculous.

loghan_fml 5

There are so many other jobs out there not involving taking your clothes off for money. I don't have any respect for girls like that. Imagine if it was your daughter. I trust my husband and know he'd never mess around on me. I'm not a jealous person at all.

267 - Jesus Christ way to make it seem like your marriage is based on money. And on another note why the **** should anyone "watch their tone" cause your husband may or may not make a certain amount of money? You are just ridiculous.

Its so rude and condescending for you to assume any woman who has different morals than you doesn't have self respect. Any woman telling an adult man what he is and is not allowed to do is controlling and needs to work on her self. You can set standards for what you will accept and leave if a man doesn't want to follow them but you cannot determine the behavior of a grown man. A lot of strippers (ones who work at the better clubs for example) enjoy their jobs, they like the attention and the money so they are not disregarding themselves. Not everyone thinks the naked human form is shameful or to be covered. I respect myself to know that I am the apple of my s/o eye, he loves me on an intellectual and spiritual level but I can still recognize that he is a human being and visually stimulated by naked women other than myself.

MuchDance90s 0

Put on your own strip show for him, and facilitate new activities for him and his guys; eg: arrange an airsoft or paintball or soccer game, find some new acts/concerts etc.