By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me how women could urinate with a tampon in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 998
You deserved it 8 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Women have three holes so that when they get drunk, they can be carried home like a bowling ball.

Some people's children.... are male? did not have a human anatomy course in high school? were sheltered from learning about the human reproductive system? Really, ladies: when men think about your genitals, we tend to think about what we can put into them, not about what comes out of them. To a man who has lived in the United States, and grown in it's 'education' system, it's not unexpected that they (who have never had to experience a period, nor spent inordinate amounts of time watching women urinate) expect women to urinate through the big, obvious opening. The state of our education system is such that it is difficult to teach human anatomy and physiology, and understandably, the excretory process is typically not dealt with in any specific detail. Therefore, unless your boyfriend was a VERY curious child and his mother was very open, I find it hard to believe it could be expected for him to know exactly where your urethra is.


I'm an adult woman, and I know there are two tubes that connect to the same exit hole, and when a tampon is in when you pee the tampon gets soaked an needs to be replaced. I dont think it's weird that guys ask this question, it's a good question.

You're an idiot of an adult woman, then. Please read comment 209 as they explain why you're a moron perfectly. If your tampon is soaked when you go to the bathroom, it's because you're either too turned on or the blood has soaked it.

justanotherbird 19

Please look at a basic biology book or search google for a diagram. There is no tube connecting the female reproductive system and the waste elimination system. The urethra and ****** are both located near the same place, inside the vulva lips, but they are not the same thing. If you are soaking your tampon when you pee you should visit your gynecologist ASAP because that is not normal.

How can you be so rude and ignorant ! Oh yes, sorry, you have read it in the book, so it can't be possible... That makes me laugh. I am a woman and I can tell you that any women who have not pushed a tampon deep enough will experience soaking pee tampon.... That is a fact. And that is completely normal.

How can you be so rude and ignorant ! Oh yes, sorry, you have read it in the book, so it can't be possible... That makes me laugh. I am a woman and I can tell you that any women who have not pushed a tampon deep enough will experience soaking pee tampon.... That is a fact. And that is completely normal.

How in the world do you go through the day not pushing your tampon all the way in? That would HURT. You're supposed to push it past the tight opening into the expansive area inside. The only time I've ever failed at putting a tampon in is, 1) my first tampon, and 2) I was drunk and put a 2nd one in with the 1st one. And in that case, the urine would not be getting on the tampon from the same hole. The urine would get on it from dribbling across your vulva. Trying to even equate this would be like saying you pee and poop out of the same hole, because urine can dribble down to your anus too.

ladybugobgyn 0

exactly how long have you been an adult woman?

I have never never said that the ureter and the ****** was in the same hole. Anyone can see the ureter conduct just above the ****** exit. I just agree that yes, it happens that your tampon gets wet. Why ? just because it is too dry and do not want to go any further. It doesn't stick outside but it is not deep inside either. Yes, it does feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Sorry, made a mistake... I am French and thought that "canal de l'uretre" in French was Ureter in English. The correct word is urethra... which in french is more a canal than a hole.

justanotherbird 19

I guess I have never had a problem using a tampon correctly, so I don't experience a pissing-my-tampon problem. I"m not sure you should be using a tampon if you are so dry you can't insert it properly. As for your "oh, you read it in a book", yeah, I have a ****** too. I can see it in person that the tubes are not connected. I can also read and I have never seen a college level book mention that the urethra and ****** are connected. I'm pretty sure that is a reliable source of information. As I said, they are both inside the vulva lips. How is this ignorant? Lastly, I don't believe it is rude to suggest a person search for knowledge when they don't know something.

Patricia, if you still end up pissing on your tampon, you're doing it wrong.

showem the pee hole! youre perpetuating his ignorance by not educating him

superguppy19 3

never thought of that yet still not my concern so IDC

christianblair 0

actually that's not very uncommon, which is crazy! lol

FreebirdIII 1

And women can't get pregnant if they pee right after sex too.

lizzie1441 0

ur being sarcastic. right?? lol

FreebirdIII 1

Yes, I am kidding. Just something that OP's BF would probably believe.

wasn't there an fml similar to this one?

I'm an 18 year old male had sex several times and never knew this?

Understandable... if his peeps fits in your pee hole he might not know the difference

#198 You're kidding, right? The 'exit hole' for urine is above the ******. Urine doesn't go anywhere near a tampon. You need to go Google 'urethra' and educate yourself about your own body.

Well, if you dont push your tampon deep enough (if you are too tight and too dry), sure it will be soaking with pee. Just try it !

monnanon 13

if your tampon was out far enough to be weed on it would fall out.

ladybugobgyn 0

Patricia, of course if a tampon is not properly inserted into the ******, urine will flow down from the urethra while urinating and make it wet. I'm going to go ahead and hope that is what you meant...

Yes, it is what I meant (sorry for my English but I am French)

mlivesay23 0

my friends boyfriend asked the same thing.