By ChocolateEverywhere - 23/03/2017 00:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, while I was at work, my kids had the great idea to make chocolate milk. My husband had the great idea not to clean up the chocolate mix the kids spilled, so the floor got covered in chocolate footprints. The cat then had the great idea to step in the mix, and cover everything else in chocolate paw prints. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 790
You deserved it 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This seems like it could be out of a movie! Or a cleaning product commercial! Sorry OP FYL

I'd be so mad. Be filling a bucket and handing him the mop and the kids should join


This seems like it could be out of a movie! Or a cleaning product commercial! Sorry OP FYL

I'd be so mad. Be filling a bucket and handing him the mop and the kids should join

Bounty ultra soft can clean up any mess your kids make & you only use one tissue

It was then your turn to have a great idea-make him clean up anyway!

mcruff 12

This sounds like something that Lynette from Desperate Housewives would talk about

StealthySky 5

I hope you made your husband and children clean the mess up.