By Jessie - 25/11/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, during my boyfriend's family reunion, I started my period but didn't have any tampons. I asked my boyfriend to ask his mom if she had any. I sat on the toilet waiting, then heard him loudly ask his whole family "Does anybody have a tampon my girlfriend can have?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 497
You deserved it 4 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Chances are they'll never let you live it down, too. Say in ten years you're married, then somebody brings it up. You may doubt it, but people love to remember embarrassing things.


Defs plan ahead.. I was in a similar situation and my boyfriends family always ask me everytime I'm over if I have bought my "Girl things" they think its hilarious

Wow I'm not female but by how shy my girlfriend is with this kinda thing, I can't imagine how embarrassed op must've been.

n_epic_fail 14

At least you didn't have to resort to using toilet paper...

rexgar2000 10

did you give your boyfriend his red wings OP?

Totally what a guy would do though, you gotta admit. At least he seems like an easy going guy.

Wicked361 8
bulgeinmypants 0

Rofl I was there (Dye Family Reunion)

Church_boy 0

It's a family thing I guess???

hamncheeseinit 6

Girls having there period is the equivalency of guys getting a boner... It's normal!!

gabrielbaby 9

I think they meant the fact that he shouted it to his family.

Ferretface 13

33- A period is not equal to a boner. Guys son't get boners once a week, and when they do, blood doesn't come out their dick. Also, girls dont get their period when stimulated...

Ferretface 13

Can't believe I said once a week. *facepalm*

Rei_Ayanami 18

Chances are they'll never let you live it down, too. Say in ten years you're married, then somebody brings it up. You may doubt it, but people love to remember embarrassing things.

It really is not a big deal though! What a randomly embarrassing memory, but at the same time it's the embarrassing memories that can sometimes remind you of how much you really love the person!

Must be a pretty chill family for him to yell something that personal lol...or maybe he was just messing with you:P

thats not embarassing its a normal body function its like asking where the bathroom is lol

Except she was asking to borrow a pussy plug

Minx108 12

Its just a bit of cotton with string on it... I have to agree with 6, it's only as big a deal as people make it out to be.. It's normal and emergencies happen. Op could have got it earlier than expected..

gabrielbaby 9

I agree too. It's like using the bathroom, sleeping, and even eating. It happens, You can't stop it naturally. Which really sucks.

I'm sick of comments on FMLs like these ones where people basically accuse the OP of being the most immature people in the world for getting embarrassed by this stuff. The human body is completely natural... but I'd still be humiliated if a bunch of strangers accidently saw me naked. Taking a crap is a perfectly normal bodily function but I don't announce that I'm going to go shit to the whole room when I feel the need. This would be a completely embarrassing situation to be in. The OP isn't embarrassed they know she mentrates, she's embarrassed that in front of people she barely knows she was currently on her period, not to mention on the toilet with a lack of tampons. Sorry, but that is not something I'd want to happen to me even if menstrating is completely normal. It doesn't make me immature or stupid either.

i dunno personally i wouldnt be embarassed i obviously have my period and everyone knows just by seeing im an older girl why hide it? and this is completely different than being nude in front of tons of people, how would someone get to that? needing a tampon happends WAY more often than needing clothes because yours just happen to dissapear.

Now you learned to always keep a tampon in your bag Also your boyfriend was just trying to find some humor

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

I read that in Ron Weasly's voice :)

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

121- What's wrong with my attitude, have I done something wrong?

saIty 17

Was that enough to break the ice, or did it just make things worse?

oooh that sucks, but you couldve thought more in advance, never bad to be ready even if you don't need it. but those situations are more than a little uncomfortable.... what a great way to be remembered by the family!

gabrielbaby 9

An amazing way to be remember. Hey it's the girl who needed the tampon :)

I'm paranoid about being caught out without any protection at that time of the month so I always have some in the hidden pockets of every handbag and backpack I own!

I'm paranoid about being caught out without any protection at that time of the month so I always have some in the hidden pockets of every handbag and backpack I own!