Dumb question

By Anonymous - 12/05/2020 14:00

Today, “Who decided that?” was apparently not the correct thing to reply to a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 576
You deserved it 1 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

You deserved it. Cops don't have a sense of humour.

They actually do. You just need to be funny. Not sarcastic.


Mathalamus 24

You deserved it. Cops don't have a sense of humour.

They actually do. You just need to be funny. Not sarcastic.

Mathalamus 24

No. Don't ever try to joke with a cop. Not even remotely a good idea.

And I bet the cop replied, "I did!" (Who else?)

bloopaloop 27

Things possibly said immediately prior : “You’re under arrest” “You are not allowed to ********** here” “I’m here in response to a domestic violence call” “I’ll have four chocolate glazed, please” “Joe Biden went missing 2 months ago. There’s a reward if you find him”

If you're gonna be a smart-ass around a cop, make sure you say something funny. Even with zero context, you deserved to get arrested. Although, we can't all be as sharp-witted and charming as Fluffy when it comes to cops.

tounces7 27

Of course, because someone who isn't breaking any laws deserves to be arrested in our modern Police-State society for not licking the boots of our masters.

Are you one of those "sovereign citizens," OP? I've checked a few of them out and they are belligerent like this.

Really smart bellitiling a front line worker who is striving to keep us all safe you should be ashamed

I wouldn't give a cop any lip they are already under a lot of stress and can easily have a power complex and you can easily end up a target.

tounces7 27

You have to prostrate yourself and beg forgiveness whenever dealing with police, as they feel they are superior beings to the rest of us and must be worshiped as such.