By caligirl4ever - 19/07/2019 12:00

Today, my boyfriend and I got robbed. He was so depressed about all the stuff we lost, I decided to cheer him up with a lap dance. I told him to sit on a chair. We have no furniture left. He started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 001
You deserved it 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If they robbed you to the point where you don't even have a chair to sit on, I'm going to go with your boyfriend's reaction. Some things are worthy and necessary to cry about in order to eventually move on, this seems like such an occasion.

the fact that you didn't seem too upset about the matter makes me think that He's the provider and maybe you don't recognize the severity of the situation


If they robbed you to the point where you don't even have a chair to sit on, I'm going to go with your boyfriend's reaction. Some things are worthy and necessary to cry about in order to eventually move on, this seems like such an occasion.

When the prospect of receiving your lap dance causes tears, you need to move on from that relationship and maybe take a pole-dancing class or two.

the fact that you didn't seem too upset about the matter makes me think that He's the provider and maybe you don't recognize the severity of the situation

LostSoul 19

Some people realize there are more important things than money and things.

they didn't even have chairs left lol. it's not just "things" it's everything

I would agree if they didnt steal their furniture

Oh f off with your embellishments. Robbers don't steal chairs, they steal things of value. Besides, there's the toilet if you're brave

LostSoul 19

It depends on the type of chair. I have seen people have food stolen. Times are hard.

LostSoul 19

It depends on the type of chair. I have seen people have food stolen. Times are hard.

Your boyfriend should be thankful to have a girlfriend who can see the half full glass. Good for you op!