By MumMatters - 09/09/2016 10:26 - Germany - Hamburg

Today, my babysitter told me to find a replacement, so I tried to bribe her into staying by offering her a raise. She told me that the money would be better spent on an exorcist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 141
You deserved it 4 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just find a babysitter who can handle sociopaths. The world needs your child to be "high-spirited" and not exorcised.

Perhaps you need Nanny McPhee. Or Mary Poppins, depending on what you're hoping to accomplish.


You aren't one of those people that has someone babysit bans the sitter from punishing the kid, are you? Because if you are one of those kind of parents, you deserve the babysitter getting annoyed and leaving.

BloodyGlass 10

Guess you'll have to be a parent and discipline your kid. :)

Dang ... and I thought my kid was a hand full ...

I've had to tell a couple that before. Their child screamed, hit me and threw things at me. There wasn't enough money in the world to make me go back. You need to reevaluate your parenting. Hopefully it's not too late.

You should try harder to teach your children to mind their manners. If you are told your kid is a brat, and you decide to ignore it then don't be wythe outcome. I have babysat kids who tried extortion and I just never watch them again.

I know exactly how the babysitter feels, my little brother is a monster, I wish I could quit sometimes but I live with him

sounds like ur kid needs some discipline... if he/she is a little shit, it's because u let them act that way