By Thanks a lot - 23/10/2015 01:27 - United States - Chestnut Hill

Today, I babysat for my neighbor's brat kid. The mom gave me $15 for 5 hours. I complained to my mom when I got home because last time I got $15/hour. Turns out my mom had told my neighbor that she thought they'd paid me too much last time. Thanks mom. Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 375
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't complain to mother. Complain to neighbor. That is less than the average wage. Still tho your mother should keep to herself rather than saying that. It's almost saying your not worth that much.

MdMan2 23

$3 per hour? That's absurd. You should discuss that with your neighbor. Forget what your mother says.


Well, don't complain to mother. Complain to neighbor. That is less than the average wage. Still tho your mother should keep to herself rather than saying that. It's almost saying your not worth that much.

The most puzzling part to me is, that she didn't tell op. Why would she do this behind ops back! I'd feel betrayed in a way! I'm sorry for you Op!

It's not a formal job and she has no contract to get minimum wage.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

#77 although that is true, babysitting is one of those jobs that isn't as easy as it seems, especially when the kid is a brat. $15/hr is a little excessive, but $15 for 5 hours if dealing with a kid you can't stand isn't really worth it; I wouldn't want to baby sit again for the neighbor after that if it was me.

You mother has very wrong expectations about wage!!

MdMan2 23

$3 per hour? That's absurd. You should discuss that with your neighbor. Forget what your mother says.

longbeck4 28

I make 3.75 an hour and baby sit from 9pm-4am

Well do you babysit more than one kid?

25 - is the kid asleep and are you asleep (at least part of the time)? If so, that actually seems reasonable to me.

That feels really low to me. I babysit, I never set my price in advance, and the lowest I've ever gotten was $20 for four hours with both kids were sound asleep the entire time.

yeah I don't have a set price either. Once my shift or whatever is done and they offer me money they always ask if the amount is OK and I usually agree with that because they pay me well

Whenever your a teen babysitting especially a young teen you get ripped off a lot. I used to get 20$ for babysitting a kid from 5-12 at night, and the kid was a major brat. Sometime it was overnight. In the morning sometimes the woman wouldn't even pay me. If OP was in a similar situation I feel bad for them, espeically because most teens don't speak up about being paid improperly. Her mom pretty well screwed her over. However $15/hour is more than I make at my current really job, so I can't feel that bad about it

She thought you were being paid too much, so she made sure that you only got one fifth of what you made before. Nice mom

RusticChick 27

I would say something to both of them. That's ridiculous. Especially if the kid misbehaves.

Should have raised the issue when you got paid, that way it would be easier to settle it.

I hate when moms try to intrude in a positive way, but end up ******* everything up.

how the hell was her mom intruding in a "positive way"? it was nowhere near positive if her mom thinks she got paid too much

#16, i think what #7 meant was that she had good intentions because of modesty, but she screwed up OP's pay.

Modesty is alright, but everyone should mind their own bussiness.

call her job and have a convo with the boss too

At least drop it to around minimum wage...8$ at least

Minimum wage on Ma is currently $9, going to $10 on Jan 1. OP got ripped off.

Minimum wage for babysitting is $10 - $15 an hour.

Hopefully you won't babysit again for such cheap neighbor. I mean she could've paid you close to what she paid last time. Good luck OP