By MumMatters - 09/09/2016 10:26 - Germany - Hamburg

Today, my babysitter told me to find a replacement, so I tried to bribe her into staying by offering her a raise. She told me that the money would be better spent on an exorcist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 141
You deserved it 4 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just find a babysitter who can handle sociopaths. The world needs your child to be "high-spirited" and not exorcised.

Perhaps you need Nanny McPhee. Or Mary Poppins, depending on what you're hoping to accomplish.


You could set up a camera somewhere in the house so when you aren't home you can see what it is that your child is doing to make the babysitter think they're possessed

Awwww!! Your little angel is giving people some hell.

I'm very curious as to what your kid(s) did to make her think that. Unless she's very thin-skinned(in which case she's in the wrong line of work), that had to be beyond normal brat behavior.

I'm going to flat out say it: YDI for not disciplining your kid(s) and teaching them how to behave properly. Chronic bad behavior is almost always the parents' fault.

#38 As a person with Autism, I have to say having Autism does not excuse someone's behavior. We still know what's appropriate and what isn't. So, if Op's kid(s) do have Autism or any other mental/social/behavioral disorder, it does not excuse how they treated the babysitter.

Hire a priest, they can do exorcism and like young kids... Two for the price of one. K that was just a bad joke seriously, maybe you should install some security cam to watch your kids when you are gone. Some think they can get away with everything when mommy is away.

NO ONE ELSE SAY YDI. We need to keep it at 666

Alas, it was too late, and they clicked away. Does no one appreciate irony?

People here are assuming that OP's child misbehaves, but what if their house is actually built on an ancient Indian burial ground?

would interresting to see european Indians...

Maybe they went on holiday and liked it so much they settled there? Wouldn't be the first horror movie with huge leaps in logic :P