Sounds like a keeper

By Anonymous - 20/11/2020 08:08

Today, it's been a week since my boyfriend has touched me or even paid attention to me, because I refuse to buy him a car. I do everything for him and he owes me $3,000 already, but when I cried about using my savings on him, he said, "That’s not my problem.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 249
You deserved it 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get out. Red flags. Red flags everywhere. Your boyfriend sounds like an entitled brat. - He does not pay you back the money he owes you. - He does not pay for his stuff and expect people to do it. - When you tell him about your distress, he selfishly reacting ('not my problem' what kind of answer is that?). Well it is not your problem if he can't pay for his car. - He tries to manipulate you emotionally by neglecting you. I am pretty sure that count as abuse. As I said, get out. The only thing he seems good at is holding you back and leeching your money.

You need to leave him. Sounds like he’s financially dependent on you.


You need to leave him. Sounds like he’s financially dependent on you.

This emotional and financial abuse and he will nor grow up nor change because he gets away with it and you need to leave.

CA91 9

red flag!! leave him, you deserve waaaaay better

Get out. Red flags. Red flags everywhere. Your boyfriend sounds like an entitled brat. - He does not pay you back the money he owes you. - He does not pay for his stuff and expect people to do it. - When you tell him about your distress, he selfishly reacting ('not my problem' what kind of answer is that?). Well it is not your problem if he can't pay for his car. - He tries to manipulate you emotionally by neglecting you. I am pretty sure that count as abuse. As I said, get out. The only thing he seems good at is holding you back and leeching your money.

tounces7 27

My guess is he's a psychopath who plans to use her until she's broke and then leave.

Major red flag. He's using you for money, once your savings are gone so will he. Friend's daughter has just gone through the same, as soon as she was broke after going through her savings, selling her possessions and giving him a place to live, as well as paying off his debts and fines, he was gone. He swore he loved her until the money was gone, when she tried talking to him about her worries he gaslit her, told her that she was crazy because he would never leave her, then the money was gone and then he told her that he never loved her.

He's not a boyfriend, he's a gigolo. Gigolo is a fun-sounding synonym for man-*****.

I really hope you can find a way to stop letting him use you more than he already has, get rid of him, and realise that you deserve so much better than this! Plus make him pay back the 3k he owes you! What a spoilt ****. I'd rather be single than put up with that shit. You got this ;)

why the hell are you with him, dummy?! you're never gonna see that $3k, ditch his ass