By Blurry - 30/09/2009 19:30 - Philippines

Today, I joined a small disaster relief group. I remarked to the big, long-haired person beside me that it was surprising that I was the only female in the group. I got a cold stare. Later I asked another volunteer about that person. He answered, "Oh, her? She's my sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 246
You deserved it 39 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sometimes can't tell the difference between the genders if it's like a really manly girl (hair, really big, deep voice, short hair) or a girly boy (high voice, thin, long hair, feminine face), so you don't deserve it. Seriously though, why'd she just stare at you? Couldn't she have said something? Like, "Actually, I'm a girl."? It would've clarified the situation immediately, and you two might even have a laugh over it.

I disagree. When you're unsure of someone's gender, you should avoid making comments like "I'm the only girl". A better comment would have been, "I'm surprised there aren't more girls here!"


ScoobyDoo22 0

fuc u u fuccin nurd. itsz oviouse al u do isz sit on u chare wile on fml nd wate for a knew stori to gett postad then u coment like the men at the gay bar coment on how smal ur dads dick isz.

#4: Could you repeat that in English, please?

I agree. Who cares who got the first post?

expen_dable 0

ok scooby doo im pretty sure you went out of your way to sound retarded. like when you typed "knew". it would have been easier to use proper english and just say "new"

It's abundantly obvious that Scoob went out of his/her way to sound retarded... did you really need to check and make sure and provide evidence? O.o

I sometimes can't tell the difference between the genders if it's like a really manly girl (hair, really big, deep voice, short hair) or a girly boy (high voice, thin, long hair, feminine face), so you don't deserve it. Seriously though, why'd she just stare at you? Couldn't she have said something? Like, "Actually, I'm a girl."? It would've clarified the situation immediately, and you two might even have a laugh over it.

I disagree. When you're unsure of someone's gender, you should avoid making comments like "I'm the only girl". A better comment would have been, "I'm surprised there aren't more girls here!"

Blah333 0

Well technically she never said she wasn't sure, she just assumed it was a guy.

cs2sasuke741 0

this happened to me before. Guess what their name was. Chris. I was like, "For the love of god!" It took me a while, but apparently they're a girl.

anglicdvil524 0

Kudos on helping clear the damage from Hurricane Ondoy OP...this isn't really an FML or a YDI, it's just an unfortunate incident, so don't sweat it too much. Keep up the good work! (not mistaking girls for guys though!)

Don't feel too bad. Nowadays it's nearly impossible to distinguish gender.