By SantaClaus - 02/11/2013 04:19 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my 8-year-old came home from school crying. Apparently her teacher told the whole class to write about how they felt when they learned that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy weren't real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 605
You deserved it 6 010

Same thing different taste

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even worse. my 5 year old nephew had the same experience. his teacher had the same assignment and got the whole class in tears because they all still believed in santa

My sisters are ten and they still believe, so that was a major bitchmove.


At least you don't have to tell her now

This teacher is an imbecile. But this is why I don't teach my kids this lie. They find out eventually, and at the same time learn to distrust mom and dad. If we lie about this, what else are we lying about?

I found out when I was 8 years old. I was sleeping but I woke up by excitement, it was 10:00 PM and I went to my mom because I couldn't sleep, but I saw my mom was putting presents. :(

Wow that's not a teachers job to reveal such truths! Poor gal.

Some stupid Jew bitch ruined it for me in 2nd grade.

thebanana_fml 4

On what ground, facts does she now that is so... NOBODY knows if they are real or not... :)

Just tell her that the teacher is on the naughty list and is just jelous :)

Santa is real, but he's really busy looking out for all the kids in the world, so it's not surprising that nobody sees him. luckily he 'a got a massive army of elves and shopping centre Santas to help him out at christmastime with all the letter answering and photo requests.

I have no kids yet, but I have the whole Santa scenario planned out for how I'll handle it with a mixture of magic and reality. so far nobody's managed to ask me a Santa question that I haven't managed to find an answer to. hopefully it stays that way!