By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, driving home, my girlfriend and I decided we were finally going to have sex. We got in the backseat, then I opened my condom to find it was already broken. We ended up playing connect four instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 731
You deserved it 5 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your first time together was going to be in the back of your car. That's so classy. You probably had a top hat and monocle on at the time, didn't you?

perdix 29

Connect Four? Is that where you do 69 and finger each other's assholes? That's four connections, right? A bit awkward and not to my liking, but a pretty fair alternative to screwing.


perdix 29

Connect Four? Is that where you do 69 and finger each other's assholes? That's four connections, right? A bit awkward and not to my liking, but a pretty fair alternative to screwing.

lol why didn't he have sex and pull out?

I remember back when perdix was around, what happened to those people like cinn and redpillsucks?

#64 - Because there are these shitty, often hidden things called sexually transmitted infections. Some people are smart enough to use contraception that actually works. Please never fornicate. Clearly you'll taint the gene pool.

flyboy57 0

and you couldn't go buy one? fail!

dude that totally sucks next time before u leave to go out with her check it out to make sure it's okay or it's not expired. if that happened to me and my boyfriend it woukd just ruined everything.

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music_baby224 0
calebg23 0

yeah that makes sence... kill the baby? therefore making you a ******* murderer? woohoo prison!

Abortions cost more than a condom does. Not an equal pay off IMO.

UnicornPukePink 0

Not that I support abortion, but haveing one does not make you a murderer. You can only get one before the baby is actually even really a baby yet.

JinxosGirl87 0

Abortions can put the mother at risk of complications. It's not as easy as going to the ****** store and buying a god damn condom to begin with.

Abortions are legal yes. However it is murder as by the time you find out your pregnant the child has already formed quite a bit usually thus you are murdering an innocent child. If you truely don't want the child give it up for adoption

el393way 0

couldn't you have found something to do that wasn't just all the way?

toaster468 0

yea like air ******' when you don't touch you just move like you are.... or shoot her with a water gun filled with salty milk and hold it near your crotch and itl be like you are accuallt cumming!!!!!

she has two other points of entry where rubbers are not completely necessary ;)

blland 0
wambamtysam 0

man, number one rule, always have a spare.

So your first time together was going to be in the back of your car. That's so classy. You probably had a top hat and monocle on at the time, didn't you?

toaster468 0

STFU i was born that way! :D JK