By PumaPounce - 02/11/2013 04:50 - United States - Butler

Today, after being forced to take my little sister trick-or-treating, we had the cops called on us twice. She thought it would be funny to tell all the people giving out candy that I'd been following her around and that she had no idea who I was, and that she was scared of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 781
You deserved it 3 654

PumaPounce tells us more.

I had no idea she was doing this! My mom blamed me for not watching her closer. I thought she would know better since she's 14. Were both grounded though.

Top comments

I can't decide if your little sister is a total idiot, or an evil genius child.

redrose_rocker 12

I think after the first time I would have taken the little brat home.


I can't decide if your little sister is a total idiot, or an evil genius child.

redrose_rocker 12

I think after the first time I would have taken the little brat home.

Ali_Br_fml 33

& Before we got home, I would've confiscated all of the little brat's candy for the troubles she cost me (or given them all away if I couldn't get away with keeping them). Then told on her so I wouldn't have to take her trick-or-treating again.

Agreed. It's not a joking matter, and can absolutely get you arrested. Take the brat home after the first time.

I had no idea I found out when the cops collected us and she told them that it was a joke they then took us into questioning and called our mom and let her off with a warning

Ali_Br_fml 33

I HATE when parents do that! What lesson is giving a warning going to give her? "I can do whatever I want, and all I get is a slap on the wrist." You got picked up by the police because of her "joke", and all she gets is a warning? No, she needs to know that there are consequences for her actions. You did her a favor, and she pulls a stunt like this? (Woo-sah) Edit: Wait, did the cops let her off with a warning, or your mom? Think I misread... Still though...

Was your sister dressed as a troll? Because she sure played the part well.

kitkat2701 18

Aren't younger siblings the best?

iLike2Teabag 27

give her laxative and tell her it's candy.

andits 21

Revenge is sweeter than candy...

JMichael 25

Your sister is evil OP. You may want to sleep with one eye open from now on.

your sister is a little evil genius in the making. I would be afraid for when she grows up