By ElamentalAngel - 06/05/2009 17:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my 3 year old nephew was sitting on my knee at the computer. He was annoying me as he kept on pressing all the buttons. To scare him off I did a creepy voice in his ear that makes him cry. He turned round and broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 331
You deserved it 83 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cg3780byoch 0

a-hole...why would you want to make a 3 year old cry?

skitz 0

haha, looks like he doesn't have to worry about creepers.


why didnt you just tell him to go away?

Music1obsessed 0

Your mean. And stupid. Sorry but I had to say it. I mean really, why wouldn't you take the rational approach and get him interested in something else then your computer? I feel bad for the kid. He has an aunt who would make him cry just because he was pressing buttons. Hello he is 3. What did you expect. Honestly, I think you would be smarter.

dimmythat 0

wow. he's 3. and you tried to make him cry. you deserve that, ass.

justxdream 0

1. thats one strong 3 yr old 2. your a bitch haha 3. YDI !!!

why were you trying to make him cry. asshole.

Oh, and learn to spell "Elemental" right, douche.

lilcuti3pi389 0

lol! thats what u get. youre all dumb, obviously telling him to stop nicely wouldnt work bt that doesnt mean scare the kid, use your brain there are other ways it could be solved. wow

lilcuti3pi389 0

and if you wanted him to stop being annoying, how is making him cry goin to help? the sound of a child crying is not pleasant either. so youre just stupid! wow

Truan_fml 0

this is more ownage than when my friend's cat kicked his ass and ripped his shirt off (no joke)