By ElamentalAngel - 06/05/2009 17:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my 3 year old nephew was sitting on my knee at the computer. He was annoying me as he kept on pressing all the buttons. To scare him off I did a creepy voice in his ear that makes him cry. He turned round and broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 331
You deserved it 83 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cg3780byoch 0

a-hole...why would you want to make a 3 year old cry?

skitz 0

haha, looks like he doesn't have to worry about creepers.


dudeitsdanny 9 did he deserve it. THe kid was being annoying you dumbasses. I mean, a broken nose? Come on

That kid probably still kept button mashing after that. :/ Did he hit you or bump into you? That sucks.

HAHAHAAAAA. Best part is, everyone's calling the OP a jerk. WWWOWWWW

monicamischief 0

most of you know nothing about kids sometimes you need to make a three year old cry you shouldn't just let them get away with being annoying little shit :/ this is why kids are so misbehaved these days he needed to learn not to hit keys while sitting on someone's lap. that's not child abuse, that's teaching your kid not to be a dumbass

may_cause_fail 0

I don't blame you at all. D: Little kids don't stop when you ask them nicely.

mandapanda93 0

r u serious? how can a 3 yr old hit u hard enough to break ur nose...

I nanny kids. They had a friend over for a 'play date' I chased them all up the stairs, they were laughing and giggling. Until the little boy they had over decided to cry and say I was scary for chasing him. Three minutes earlier he was hitting me with a cardboard tube. I think kids are pretty irrational ;]

fmlreaderr 0

Are YOU 3? Geez, leave the poor kid alone! What did you expect from a 3 yr old sitting at a computer? Although the kid's pretty awesome for doing that, haha!