By Anonymous - 06/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, my 24 year old girlfriend plugged her ears and stomped her feet while making really loud noises in our local video store. She then refused to stop until I agreed to rent and watch The Notebook with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 743
You deserved it 15 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonedame 6

um. . . seriously?!? you need a new girlfriend. an actual adult.

real men watch the notebook. AND cry when its over


jrodlicious 0

ha ha u shlda spanked her ass and made her sit in the corner.....dump the dumb bitch.

HAHAHAHAHHA You still go to a video store? FAIL!

or maybe she was spoiled as a child and now she thinks that everyone is obligated to do what she says.

pingpongpenguin 3

you should've dumped her. Than she would have to rent it and watch it herself. she's pathetic.

tell her to grow up and make her watch a movie you like too. but yeah it's a good movie

MeAlec 1

so how do you like dating a child

_Shenanigans_ 0

YDI for not going to Redbox instead. Or something.