By Anonymous - 06/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, my 24 year old girlfriend plugged her ears and stomped her feet while making really loud noises in our local video store. She then refused to stop until I agreed to rent and watch The Notebook with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 743
You deserved it 15 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonedame 6

um. . . seriously?!? you need a new girlfriend. an actual adult.

real men watch the notebook. AND cry when its over


TwoStrikeBadAss 0
TwoStrikeBadAss 0
soccerlover1234 0

dude!!!! the notebook is Amazing!!!

oarisimo 4

did I buy her the ear plugs for her 6th birthday?

I hope to god you dumped her on the spot and left her ass there.

lucky__star 0

lmao, i was in a really bad mood, then I read that. btw, just watch the dumb movie, why'd you make her throw a fit?

scooter69 0

dump that stupid bitch!!! fyl bro

Spankings are an important part of correcting that type of behavior. Also try and throw out the line "this is going to hurt me more then its going to hurt you" and then hug afterwords.