By Anonymous - 06/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, my 24 year old girlfriend plugged her ears and stomped her feet while making really loud noises in our local video store. She then refused to stop until I agreed to rent and watch The Notebook with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 743
You deserved it 15 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonedame 6

um. . . seriously?!? you need a new girlfriend. an actual adult.

real men watch the notebook. AND cry when its over


FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

70 it's a terrible movie. I would never make my bf see a chick flick, one valentines I made him see rambo :D

TommySixx81 0

My boss does this sometimes lol

tag1061 0

dump the spoiled brat. or risk being labeled a pedophile for dating a 4 year old.

RedInThaHead 0

you must like it since your with her lol come on you saw the signs before... now you wanna complain??? YDI

anyone918 0

you should have just left. show some backbone dude.

BikerMike 0

You should have dumped that ignorant **** in the video store. You now have a very good idea of what life with her will be like if you want to stay with her. If you want to stay with her, you do not need children, you have a lifetime two year old.

YDI for not wanting to watch the best love story in history with her. Seriously, it's not even 2 hours of your time, and you're not willing to do that for the girl you love? No wonder she acted like a kid.

wow........she knows how to draw attention to herself!!!

hehe i saw that but shes tp old to e throwing tantrums :L wat a freak

wow u u should walked out nn found a new girl