By Anonymous - 20/06/2019 16:30

Today, I got on a crowded bus and was forced to stand. The bus made a sharp turn, so I reached for a pole to hold onto. Without looking, I grabbed the pole. It was wet and moist, but I nonetheless held on until the turn was done. I turned to see I had also grabbed a large man's nose and had squeezed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 266
You deserved it 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

A nose feels like a pole? News to me...

Yeah sure. A nose is like a bus pole ? And the man let you hold on his nose until the turn was done ?


Did you look him in the eye and go "honk honk" or just said I boopped ya 😁

rotflqtms_ 21

A nose feels like a pole? News to me...

Yeah sure. A nose is like a bus pole ? And the man let you hold on his nose until the turn was done ?

My friend once had a lady’s fingernail in his eye that way. He was too shy to say anything. I don’t know why the ones with him didn’t.