Don't knock it until you try it

By Pinsky - 08/12/2021 16:59

Today, I found out on Facebook that my mom and step-dad have an open marriage. To make matters worse, my step-dad shamed me for not being more sex positive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 167
You deserved it 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sdog 6

What they do in their marriage regarding sex isn’t really any of your business. Polyamory is nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps you do need some more emotional maturity around the subject.

If it makes them happy then what's the problem? Maybe you *could* do with being more sex-positive.


If it makes them happy then what's the problem? Maybe you *could* do with being more sex-positive.

Sdog 6

What they do in their marriage regarding sex isn’t really any of your business. Polyamory is nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps you do need some more emotional maturity around the subject.

Royal Sataness 4

Polyamory is very rewarding with the right people. you're capable of loving more than one parent. or more than one sibling. why not more than one partner? one partner can't meet all your needs and shouldn't have that burden. more needs get met with multiple partners. broaden your horizons. sex and love are beautiful things.

Why so glum? This means your mom can bang your dad again! What better Xmas gift could a kid want!?!?

nothing wrong with open relationships. my parents have one, and one of my besties and her husband have one as well. :)