By marriagesux - 29/12/2009 07:12 - United States

Today, marks the second week straight without sex. Being a newlywed isn't as great as I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 771
You deserved it 4 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just consult your wife/Husband and tell them the truth, YOU WANT SEX! Or try and spice things up abit with a candle lit dinner or do a strip tease.

2 whole weeks! WOW! You should get married for companionship and knowing that you will be happy the rest of your life. if you got married strictly to get laid more often, you're in for a BIG disappointment. You're in a marriage now, meaning you should be completely comfortable with her. My advice is, talk to her about how you feel, see how she feels, and work something out.


redshortsx 0

well women know guys love sex and we like it too but women tend to like things in their marriage to be based on things besides sex. so they do it when your dating so you won't dump them for a trailer trash *****. but once you get marries your life is gonna be about feelings and realting to eachother and maybe even a family. don't worry your still gonna get some here and there. also how long have you been married because some people say they're newlyweds but they've been married for like ten months.

spiderman0606 0

So girls have sex with guys so guys dont leave them for skanks? Is that really what you just said?

Newlyweds are a couple who has been married less than a year.

perdix 29

Welcome to the club, and get used to long spans of celibacy. It's a big secret that we married a-holes keep to ourselves, or else none of you happy, free mofos would fall into this barren, expensive hellhole trap. Misery loves company ;)

That sucks... tell him/her to GIVE IT TO YOU NOW!!!

Spac3Ghost 0

hahahaha!!! firstly, you can just say to your partner straight!! bitch i wanna **** you!! or bitch!! **** me now!! hahaha thats funny =) or secondly, cheat on them =) a man/woman needs what a man/woman needs =) and chances are he/she is probably doing it behind your back already =( seriously... two weeks... how long do you think a person will wait!? and thirdly =) if you are a woman and you're willing to do number 2... we can always meet =P jokes =)

BrownSugar_fml 5

Dude, everyone knows marriage sucks!! But if your a man this is most likely your fault... I don't know why but it is :D nah jk it's both of your faults what happened to our sex crazed society damn it!!! I miss it, bring it back.

cmon you thought all of us married folks were lying? what's the one food that takes away a sex drive? wedding cake.

Oh, and marriage is all about sex, isn't it? Sex is a good thing, yes, but it's just a benefit of the commitment you made at the altar, and obviously the only way to have kids. Sorry that you haven't gotten any action yet, but it's only been 2 weeks! I'm sure you and your wife will get some soon.

it isn't rape when u yell suprise sex. plus ur married. what will she do call da cops.