By Anonymous - 03/12/2010 14:41 - United States

Today, I got fired from the job I'd had for eleven years for going onto Facebook while on the clock. When I got home, I saw that my boss had updated his status, from work, to "Finally fired that bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 030
You deserved it 10 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, he used that as an excuse, but hated you for other reasons. Way to suck at your job, OP.

And that's why he's the boss and you are not. If you're ever able to find a job again, try NOT wasting your company's time and just do your ******* work that they are paying you to do.


So, he used that as an excuse, but hated you for other reasons. Way to suck at your job, OP.

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds awful. It reminds me of how I spent several millenia working in a carpark only to lose out on the job because my traveling companions finally caught up to me, and talked me into helping them steal a ship. That was so pointless, just like everything else in life. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

filo22 0

I agree, chances are she was a bad employee.

I'd had is correct. "I had had"... meaning I once had.

Kefka91 15

80-he's referencing the depressed robot in hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, hence the odd comments

93- the answer is me. OP um. yeah get another job.

Well, yeah. You're not really supposed to be looking up non-work-related things on the company's computer.

Your boss has been finding means to fire you, but you weren't taking notice at all!!!!!!!!

And that's why he's the boss and you are not. If you're ever able to find a job again, try NOT wasting your company's time and just do your ******* work that they are paying you to do.

I think you're missing the point. I think the going on facebook was just an excuse for the boss to fire her. there's no need to get so angry, it doesn't affect you.

Excuse to fire her? No, m'lady, it's a REASON to fire her. She's being paid to do a job, and she is essentially stealing her salary if she is engaging in personal online recreation. I get irritated when people steal shit.

how do you know she hadn't already finished all of her work?

getfokinrektm8 9
perdix 29

His hypocrisy shows you that he really had it in for you. Friending your boss is kind of creepy to begin with, but then checking his status after he fired you makes you a stalker.

Who said he checked the boss' status? You do know that people's statuses pop up on your home page right? OP was probably scrolling and saw it.

RedJester23 6

On what grounds can you possibly sue for? "Your Honor, he fired me for being on facebook while I was supposed to be working, and that offends me. I want money!" Good luck with that one. OP, he's the boss, and you're not. He can basically do whatever the f*** he wants, as long as it's not illegal. YDI

Well you kinda fit our stereotype, don't you 11? Rude much?

Guess what, rockhound? I'm not American. It was an observation. To the other guy, yes I realize. Meh.

it's actually true that per capita America does have more lawsuits. the united states has over a million lawyers

nuu 74 you're canadian yay I'm from Montreal :D go Habs go!

I'm a weird Canadian. I don't like hockey. Sue me!

Guess what 74? I gathered that you weren't American from your "American?" comment. Not to mention that a simple click on your profile solved that mystery. One does not need to be part of a group to share a common characteristic of the stereotype of said group.

lol 90 I don't like hockey ither and I'm a guy lol ( Canadian)

Can't sue. He fired her for a logical valid reason. He is the boss, some if not all rules don't apply to him.

Not if he didn't specify it previously as a rule with termination as a consequence. If he did specify, OP is SOL in that sense.

I'm pretty sure being caught on facebook is not a big enough reason to fire her. if she'd done it more than once then ok.

actually if he was intentionally looking for an excuse to fire her you can sue! only problem is in the Facebook post he said fired that bitch, he never said her actual name so she is screwed both way!