By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 21:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ShaunBomb - 11/12/2010 06:11 - United States
By birthdayboy - 19/06/2019 16:22
Go home
By Anonymous - 12/09/2018 18:30
The best day of your life
By sadbride - 09/10/2018 13:30
By Anonymous - 30/11/2013 16:09 - United States - Deer Park
By UnluckyJulie - 02/11/2009 06:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/02/2010 07:39 - United States
By bdaygirl - 03/12/2009 07:33 - United States
By JadedBaker - 08/07/2012 06:58 - United States
You really shouldn't have…
By Gemini gang - 27/07/2019 04:04
Top comments
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Show it anywaycake has stuff she cant eat in. she love cake. she cry. etc. can you like German chocolate cake if your lactose intolerent????
OP discovered a cake that they fell madly in love with 8 or more years ago. 8 years ago, they could no longer have this cake or anything else containing dairy products. Today is their 18th birthday. Their family made OP the previously mentioned cake that OP has not been able to eat for 8 years and still cannot eat. OP cried because they can't eat this delicious birthday cake and evidently, their family doesn't know her very well. OP's mom ate a piece of the cake which had a smiley face or something on it. Do you get it now? It's not that hard to understand...
Smiley face? WTF... 'happy part' as in the slice that said happy from happy birthday. stupid bitch
Your parents are either not very smart or complete dickheads
#41 lmao, you tell her :p
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayOh my god! She expects a birthday cake she can eat? She must have had everything in life...
41 is a ******* asshole , gosh , note the sarcasm
hahaha stupidddd ysnk I 5 nim ii b pass out frm vodka in ul b legall doing if as 18 , hehe. even do tanite was shite hehe tWas d lst fee times while LEGAL um 18
Um... Lactaid pills?
Please delete 93's comment, FML, it was a worthless waste of my time trying to understand what they said. They are of no value of society or to FML.
I really hope op's a girl cuz you should u should nvr seperate a girl from her chocolate. if op's a boy though, suck it up nd rub some dirt on it.
wow 93, ur splelling suucks
Oh boo hoo take your pill and enjoy your cake, there are people out there with real problems that aren't " I can't eat cake feel bad for me"
mageoreh- no ur the bitch
Ironically, your comment is a waste of time, too.
why would ya cry over cake ... thats what im not getting..
so does yours
so does yours
@ 100: the first thing i thought of (before considering that op was being a huge bitch baby) was that all they had to do was consume lactase, which enables "lactose-intolerant" people to eat any dairy product they choose. it's simply a lactase deficiency. lactaid is a major option, but any enzyme formula that contains lactase would negate the problem. |the kid|
Did u know there I'd medicine today for the lactose part?? Ya that's has been here for a while because it's like.. THE 20 CENTURY!!!!! DURRR
shut up f.cktard
meant 93, ditect answer didn't work
lactose intoleranc means you can't digest milk well, a milk allergy would prevent you from eating cake. if it's the former, the cake prob won't hurt you. I'm lactose intolerant and eat cake with no issue. if it's an allery, then fyl
Guys, I'm lactose intolerant and regret to tell you that this guy needs to grow a sack and take lactaid, a cheap ass PILL THAT YOU CAN TAKE
#96 no shit Sherlock.
TO ANYONE WHO MENTIONED THAT LACTOSE INTOLERANCE ISN'T SERIOUS, AND LACTAID PILLS WILL LET YOU EAT DAIRY. This isn't always the case. I am very severely lactose intolerant (not a milk allergy, LACTOSE INTELOERANCE) and Lactaid pills don't do anything for it. I can't eat dairy, unless it's the smallest amount. The worst part of it is the cake... Trust me, I should know. OP isn't being whiny; Their parents are ignorant assholes if they didn't know that she couldn't eat her favourite cake, or possibly just didn't care. I can feel OP's pain, due to the fact that my favourite cake is Ice Cream Cake, especially the fudge part. If I could have a cake made entirely out of that fudge and cookie crumbles, I would probably die of happiness. However, I rarely have it because
Sorry, didn't get a chance to finish, my computer did something funny. But anyways, you get the point. Sometimes lactaid does nothing, and there's nothing you can do about it.
He liked it before then
This got REALLY long.
Eat it, and shit ALL OVER THEM
Totally worth it
lol. parenting fail
nvm not first...stupid refresh
Dude, who cares about the aftermath, eat it anyway.
just take some of the pills that help digest lactose.....? that's what my brother does
I don't see the FML. Just take the lactase pills and eat the cake...
That was my thought process, I'm lactose intolerant and if I want to eat something with a lot of lactose in it I take a double dose of lactase supplement and a dose of Imodium before eating it. Works like a charm for most stuff. There's also a ton of dairy stuff out there with lactase supplements already added in, so if I'm making stuff on my own that's dairy rich I use that stuff and there isn't even a need to pop a couple of pills beforehand. If she's been lactose intolerant for 8 years I really can't imagine her *not* having any of this stuff hanging around the house. If she had a milk allergy/intolerance, this would be more understandable but lactose intolerance is so common that there's a ton of options out there for her that this doesn't make sense.
How do you love chocolate if youre lactose intolerant?
Erm, no. The 'happy' was not candy. It was frosted on the slice that OP's mom ate.
Everyone loves chocolate.
Says they been lactose intolerant for 8 years so they must have tried chocolate before that.
I cry because I have an allergy to strawberries. They smell so sweet and I know they taste so good. And the emotions can be so overwhelming that it can cause tears

OP discovered a cake that they fell madly in love with 8 or more years ago. 8 years ago, they could no longer have this cake or anything else containing dairy products. Today is their 18th birthday. Their family made OP the previously mentioned cake that OP has not been able to eat for 8 years and still cannot eat. OP cried because they can't eat this delicious birthday cake and evidently, their family doesn't know her very well. OP's mom ate a piece of the cake which had a smiley face or something on it. Do you get it now? It's not that hard to understand...
Dude, who cares about the aftermath, eat it anyway.