By ertyo - 24/12/2016 15:28 - Romania - Oradea

Today, it's Christmas Eve. I was the happiest ever realizing that all the bills are paid, all the presents are bought, all the food is ready, and I still have some money left. This my biggest accomplishment so far as a young adult. Until I realized I don't have a tree. Adulting is hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 749
You deserved it 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm torn between stealing your idea for next Christmas and keeping my usual light-up fake tree. (That said...fake trees are the bomb. And some are light-up. You don't have to put up ornaments unless you want to.)

Good job! Really! That's very hard to do! As for a tree, hey, one step at a time :) You'll get it!


Adulting is hard is a sentence that everyone says in life, but yours is festive! That's gotta count for something, ay?

your in a better position than a lot of people this time of year regardless of a tree...

Go chop down a tree from your nearest park and use that. Trust me on this.

Make sure to wear a high-vis vest while doing so. That should buy you some time before someone calls the police.

If it's any consolation, the one part you forgot is the most nonsensical one. "Hey, adult friends, lets go hang decorations on a pine tree. Then we can bedazzle a raspberry bush and put lipstick on a fern!"

ertyo 8

that's exactly the reason i forgot it. it's not really important to me, but i made a dyi tree-shaped thing on the wall, with transparent duct tape and decorations. took me 10 minutes, it's green, no tree cutting, no cleaning when it starts to shred, not really traditional but eh, guests only care about the food and presents anyway.

To OP - your solution sounds a lot cooler than an actual tree in the middle of the room.

I'm torn between stealing your idea for next Christmas and keeping my usual light-up fake tree. (That said...fake trees are the bomb. And some are light-up. You don't have to put up ornaments unless you want to.)

haveyou000 22

doesnt sound like youre struggling too hard to adult. A missing christmas tree in comparison to everything else is nothing.

Awwwww! Don't be upset. Adulting comes bit by bit. I'm still working on it. ?

Go grab some lights and pin them on the wall in the shape of a tree, that's all you need!

If you've got all that, the tree truly doesn't matter. Enjoy Christmas and the fact that you're nailing this adulting thing, OP.

cootiequeen4444 11

go find a ever green branch outside and make a rockin' Charlie Brown xmas tree and make that a running joke during your party (nostalgia for Everyone! Oh maybe even nab the Charlie Brown Christmas CD or download it and play that!). Or if you live in the desert, get a Christmas cactus. doesn't involve or need too much decorating as the base would be not only smaller than a fir, but it would also be enough of a conversation piece as is even just sparsely decorated. (edit: re-read the fml, okay maybe there is no party involved? I don't see why it matters having a tree or not then?)

Go to target, but a mini one for $8 and youre set