Consider yourself warned

By Anonymous - 26/02/2022 16:00

Today, I was warned by a friend that unless I make more effort with my boyfriend, he'll be snapped up by someone else, and proved it by showing me text screenshots of at least three women I know who are all hoping to pounce on him when I eventually fuck it up so badly he dumps me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 874
You deserved it 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She sounds a bit jealous...was your friend one of these 3 women by any chance?

That's how it is for anyone. If you're not a good partner they start to look elsewhere. you have to raise them higher if you want them to be untouchable. the shit part though is some people wander no matter how high you raise them. it's a crap shoot


She sounds a bit jealous...was your friend one of these 3 women by any chance?

That's how it is for anyone. If you're not a good partner they start to look elsewhere. you have to raise them higher if you want them to be untouchable. the shit part though is some people wander no matter how high you raise them. it's a crap shoot

Send nudes. But only good ones. Send me a bunch and I'll tell you which ones will save your relationship. I give and I give.

How I feel about this one depends on if you have been taking him for granted or not. If you have, you should consider yourself lucky to have got a warning before you got dumped. If not, forewarned is forearmed, now you know who to watch out for.

rotflqtms_ 21

That's one thing I hate about relationships. No matter what guy you have, there's always some woman looking to snatch him up away from you. Sometimes I wonder what the point even is.