By NorwegianMadman - 22/12/2016 11:55

Today, nearly Christmas, my dad got mad because I don't have enough money for holiday festivities. I can't afford things because I haven't gotten my paycheck yet. I work for my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 715
You deserved it 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ivanhoe4u 3

I Imagine the conversation went something like, "Yeah..., I would have enough money for holiday festivities, but I have this crappy boss who has decided not to pay me yet. Do you think that you can do something about that Dad?"


I Imagine the conversation went something like, "Yeah..., I would have enough money for holiday festivities, but I have this crappy boss who has decided not to pay me yet. Do you think that you can do something about that Dad?"

"Yeah, son, I've got it covered." *Dad gets up, exits room, and starts beating himself in Fight Club fashion.* (Muffled) "This is for my son, you bastard!"

*more muffled sounds* "You don't understand sir. Your son is a Norwegian madman!" "Don't you talk about my son like that you heartless son of a bitch!" *Proceeds to throw himself out the window*

Maybe your dad is trying to tell you to stop living from paycheck to paycheck and to start saving some money so you can deal better with these situation. Thank him for these lessons!

Almost as if... paychecks are used for stuff like rent and gas/groceries and maybe savings exist but shouldn't be used for festivities because y'know.. you're saving your money? I would not be so quick to judge.

bredahl 26

Not only that, don't you think you need some sort of income to aquire savings?

I imagine you now know the frustration of a homeschooler trying to explain their low grades to their infuriated parents.

Where are the three ghosts when you need them.

find a new job and quit! See how he likes that

Tell him to pay up or shut up, not that it would do any good.

I feel your pain. I haven't got paid for three months till now

ivanhoe4u 3