Probably for the best

By MissKaye - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Hendersonville

Today, I just found out that my sister will be bringing her boyfriend along to spend Christmas with my family. The two of them, along with my brother and his wife, make me the only single one in the family this year. Looks like I'll be spending Christmas Day with the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 158
You deserved it 1 052

MissKaye tells us more.

I didn't mean to sound like I'm sulking. Just naturally the couples will stay together and have conversations that I can't relate to. This usually leaves me with no social participation and makes for a pretty boring day. I love both my sister's boyfriend and sister-in-law and don't mean to say that I wish either were gone. Also, our family has a very sweet, loving, and sadly high-maintenance dog, so it's probably for the better that I'm there to make sure he gets his medicines throughout the day. I hope that clears up the FML a little! Happy holidays!

Top comments

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Actually, me and your dog had plans..

Dude, the dog is always the best bet. They never break your heart!!!


man_in_black08 28

BFF - Bitch friends forever <3

cootiequeen4444 11

As the only single adult without children in my family, I often get assigned to sit at the kids table or in a corner in the room while the rest of the family eats together. I feel you.

Better single than with the wrong person.

Agreed. I used to really beat myself up about being the only single one at family gatherings. All of my cousins are married (even the ones younger than me) except one that we don't see often. It's really stressful. But I just try to stay positive saying the right person will come when the time is right.

11, there's no such thing as "the right person". you just have to settle for something

jnugzzz 6

No relationship is perfect, but you can meet somewhere where accepting their flaws doesn't feel like settling.

writergirl1029 17

I was the only single adult for 10 years. I feel your pain.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Actually, me and your dog had plans..

cootiequeen4444 11

Wait. Did I read this correctly? Are you basically skipping Christmas with your family because you are bitter about being single and don't want to be reminded about being single? So in essence, you are wishing that either your brother didn't have a wife or your sister didn't have a bf? Unless the wife or bf is abusive, then shame on you! You should be happy for your family member if they find a partner that makes them happy. In return, they will be just as happy when you find one. This is a time of year to be positive too so no skulking about "but I'll never find somone.." you don't know that you won't. only the future will tell.

I took it to mean the OP will go to the family gathering, but she suspects everybody will naturally pair off throughout the day, leaving her with the dog.

I didn't mean to sound like I'm sulking. Just naturally the couples will stay together and have conversations that I can't relate to. This usually leaves me with no social participation and makes for a pretty boring day. I love both my sister's boyfriend and sister-in-law and don't mean to say that I wish either were gone. Also, our family has a very sweet, loving, and sadly high-maintenance dog, so it's probably for the better that I'm there to make sure he gets his medicines throughout the day. I hope that clears up the FML a little! Happy holidays!

Still a YDI. There's always a way to make conversation. Bring up Christmases past or what you each plan to do for the new year. Just because yours may not involve the same things as theirs, doesn't mean there is nothing to talk about

Oh my god, piss off #21. How does knowing that you're likely to be excluded from conversation or at the very least have to force conversation that you can be a part of mean that OP deserves it?

Really #21? It's obviously you're looking for the tiniest reason to fault OP. Making conversations, is good. However, doing so because you know your family will exclude you from group conversations otherwise, is not so good.

Do you have a friend who doesn't have any plans that could come ?