By ItnHmn - 16/09/2016 19:58 - United States - Apo

Today, they opened a new firing range behind my housing block. No big deal, except they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 443
You deserved it 925

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This FML was brought to you by ItnHmn's Shop of Earplugs, Headphones, and Sleeping Pills. The grand opening is any day now, probably.


he's in the Middle east. Armed Forces. I'm guessing he's either part of a Civil Affairs unit or UN personnel.

Sebof2001 7

Hope you get used to it fast enough. I live right next to the train tracks but after a few weeks I was totally used to it and stopped waking up.

Are gunshots really something somebody should let themselves get used to though?

31 - If they're in the armed forces... kinda yeah. I don't think it'd be very good if they jumped every time their squad mates fired.

I would invest in some sound cancelling headphones.

I've been there and got used to it. I hope you adapt quickly, OP.

As someone who lives near train tracks and my grandparents, that I visit often, live near a firing range, you get used to it.

This FML was brought to you by ItnHmn's Shop of Earplugs, Headphones, and Sleeping Pills. The grand opening is any day now, probably.

Don't complain really, some people aren't so privileged to have such easy access. I used to shoot off of my back deck then moved due to the job though with the job came free range access. Ask for a discount membership since you live so close. You never know you might actually enjoy it & meet some really great people.

I'd value sleep uninterrupted by the sound of gunfire over being near a shooting range, but I'm rational like that… I guess some people /really/ like ejaculating their hard, metal phallic symbols at all hours of the night. And bonding with other people over the joy of said ejaculation? Nothing wrong with that.

It says armed forces, so it's possible that they are doing night drills.

honocor 2

Not sure the state you live in, but where I am from there are strict regulations on how loud ranges can be. Many measurements are taken before they can fully open. I doubt it is going to be any louder than train tracks or a highway.

He is somewhere in the middle east. Probably at some army base. I'd not bet on any regulations at all.