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By nosy ass bitch! - 30/03/2022 16:00

Today, my classmate overheard me on the phone making an appointment at the women’s health center. The dumb bitch told everyone I was going to the clinic for STD treatment. I was scheduling my biopsy for a lump in my breast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 295
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an ass she is. I guess you weren't able to schedule it in a more private place? I hope the biopsy is benign.

Habacadavarus 12

If anyone asks you about it, just remind them that this person is an idiot. That's about as high road as I'm ever willing to take.


There's no such thing as bad press. She's probably doing you a favor. The fellas are gonna be intrigued that you are sexually active which is better than being the gal with lumpy *******. Expect date offers in 3..2..1.

slhiggx 17

This person is most likely a child. What is your problem?

No, most likely an adult college student. A minor would first go to a pediatrician and be referred to a specialist if needed. What's wrong with you?

What an ass she is. I guess you weren't able to schedule it in a more private place? I hope the biopsy is benign.

revenge is sweet. wait a while and then start a rumor about her that won't get back to you. good luck

Habacadavarus 12

If anyone asks you about it, just remind them that this person is an idiot. That's about as high road as I'm ever willing to take.