Today, on Maury…

By twitch - 07/10/2019 18:00

Today, I found out I'm pregnant after 14 years of being told I'll likely never have kids. My fiancé has a 7 year-old child with a woman who used it to stop him from leaving her. Yesterday, she filed a false report/restraining order to keep him from his kid, because he refused to leave me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 885
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

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my little sister(she 29 though) went through something similar with the kids part. she was told at 14 after being raped that she would most likely(85%) never be able to have kids. at 25 she had her first daughter and 2 years later welcomed her second daughter. They will be 2 and 4 come the first week of December. Congrats on the baby and hope everything between you and your fiance works out for the best.

I can’t share the news while he’s preoccupied with a custody battle and I’m worried he’ll have a PTSD flashback. -twitch


-Silverfox- 10

How is this a FML for you? More like a FML for him. At least he’s not leaving you, and you are having a baby. Yay!

I can’t share the news while he’s preoccupied with a custody battle and I’m worried he’ll have a PTSD flashback. -twitch

my little sister(she 29 though) went through something similar with the kids part. she was told at 14 after being raped that she would most likely(85%) never be able to have kids. at 25 she had her first daughter and 2 years later welcomed her second daughter. They will be 2 and 4 come the first week of December. Congrats on the baby and hope everything between you and your fiance works out for the best.

Thank you! And congrats to your sister! It’s indescribable and a miracle.

What exactly did she use or say to get a restraining order? Courts don't hand out RO's just because someone wants one

She used a lawyer to obtain a direct temporary order, no judge has seen or ordered it, it’ll be dropped at the end of the month, then she’ll likely be charged with libel.

not really sure which part you see as an fml. the fact that you're pregnant or the stuff with the ex.

The ex bit. Worried he might not see it as great news.