By cjd - 23/03/2012 14:23 - Canada - Montreal

Today, in health class we were watching a documentary about anxiety. My teacher asked if any of us often feel anxious. I was too anxious to raise my hand, and went into a minor panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 438
You deserved it 4 810

Same thing different taste

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I know how it feels to have anxiety, and I wouldn't have raised my hand either.

Panic attacks are horrible, sorry OP... :(


it's funny that you literally say you had a minor panic attack when one person asks one question to a bunch of people. The question wasn't aimed at you alone. It is, indeed, time for xanax and prozac my friend.

Prozac isn't for everyone, especially teens. It's mostly recommended for adults. And sure, medication can help for a short time, but it's not for the long run.

I wasn't really serious. I just can't imagine how you'd feel anxiety just because a person asks a question to a group of people. I'm probably ignorant

#30 You're not ignorant necessarily, you just have no idea how it feels to have an anxiety disorder. What OP has is likely an actually disorder, like maybe society anxiety disorder, not just anxiety in general. I've had it since I was very young and used to have trouble even looking people in the eyes when speaking to them. Heck, I just had trouble speaking to people in general.

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Do your research dumbass! Millions of people have anxiety, you ignorant prick.

Yeah. But having panic attacks at nothing is just being a cry baby. I could see a debilitating panic attack if say. You were being attacked by a bear. Just go back to your medication you bitch.

RedPillSucks 31

No one has a panic attack while being attacked by a bear. That's called a "real" attack. You're probably one of those people who say "PTSD is all in your head. Now get back to the front lines". In real life people have a panic attack over things real and imagined. And it's a big deal.

Yeah I know PTSD guys. And that is brought on by real shit. Panic attacks brought on by class? Nah.

I hope that just once you experience a panic attack. not every panic attack or anxiety attack is the same. with every panic attack i've had, the last thing i want is for everyone to pay attention to me. OP, im sorry you have this anxiety and i hope you find a way to deal with it that works for you.

#22 OP wasn't having a panic attack at "nothing." They went to raise their hand but got very anxious at the idea of being called upon, probably imagining the attention that would get focused on them. I had to give a speech in front of my class in high school (there were only about 30 people there) and I froze up, couldn't talk, and almost had a panic attack. Speaking in front of people may not be a big deal to you, but for others it is very frightening.

Not just speaking in front of people. Either. If you panic at everyday occurrences what is the point of even trying to do anything. Oh. I know. Just swamp your skull with medication an it will all go away.

#31 Dude, the way to cure anxiety is not to pump yourself full of medication, and I know that. My parents and therapist insisted upon making me try all sorts of different kinds of medications all through high school. I went along with it for a few years because I thought they knew best. They're my parents, so I trusted them. But it became clear that the medications made my anxiety worse (and made me depressed as well). They didn't believe me. I refused to keep taking them. The only way I actually started getting better was by continuing therapy and by stopping the medication. Oh and I used to panic at "everyday occurrences." At first, like you, I thought "Why do anything?" You know what actually helped me? Pushing through my anxiety and doing everything that I was scared of. The whole "Why do anything" attitude has never helped anyone.

There ya go! See you stopped freaking out and did something and look at you now! Still neurotic I'm sure but you seem well adjusted enough to pass for human.

#38 That was almost a compliment, but you ruined it with the "still neurotic" comment.

It's the internets. Why take it seriously? But really it's cool to see people realizing that medication doesn't solve everything and doing something through positive action. Now if more people were like that maybe we could keep Pfizer from getting any more gigantic than they need to be.

#41 I'm not taking is seriously, I was joking with you. :P I think I need to make my comments less dead-pan. Thank you though! I'm very much enjoying living a medication-free life...

And apparently I need to be less abrasive with my comments. I come from an ancient school of thought that says that people can sort their issues out without medication or "professional" assistance. I did. It took awhile. I had a meltdown. They tried to drug me. I refused. Drank heavily for awhile and now I'm more or less ok.

awepeach 3

But that's you. People have to be treated on an individual, case by case basis. In your case, meds didn't help, but some people need them to function. People are simply different.

You'd get noticed more for the attack then if you answered the question.

To all the people saying medication by the way. Burying problems under medication probably isn't the best way to solve said problems. Like anxiety. Go for a walk or start exercising.

Rocky007 15

What a really stupid question for that teacher to ask. Another example of teachers having taken too many "education" courses and not enough subject matter courses.

BunBunBabe 8

Exactly, like any kid feeling anxiety would raise their hand and call more attention to themselves at the time... Idiot teacher

jaycob11 0

Loserrrs having anxeity attacks and shit!!

hope your kid has anxiety attacks.. then let's see your thoughts on it -___-...

Get some balls! I have panic attacks a lot, but not for stupid reasons like that!

#36 Why do you have panic attacks then? OP probably has social anxiety...

They panic because they donkt have any balls.

Rbroome21 0

You have come to the right place. Fmylife comments can help you out.

Then again the anti anxiety drugs could