It's a doggy dog world

By Anonymous - 31/10/2019 02:00

Today, I was bathing my dog at a self-serve dog wash at a pet store. The person next to me decided to express his dog's anal glands, and the vile, greasy, fish-smelling liquid hit me on the side of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 298
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes there should be limits on the freedom of expression.

E2dav 5

Seriously that should only be done at a vet clinic. What was that dude thinking?!


E2dav 5

Seriously that should only be done at a vet clinic. What was that dude thinking?!

julfunky 29

Actual vets have said it can be done at home if you know how to do it properly. If this guy’s dog needs it done often then I assume he learned how.

Sometimes there should be limits on the freedom of expression.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31
Muza 1

Idk what to say, but you need to go get checked no telling whats in that dogs butty hole... The owner should cover all those medical expenses. ijs

lj2000 5

Next time. Wash your ******* dog in the shower/ yard like a normal person