By loser4life - 30/07/2011 04:38 - United States

Today, in health class, I raised my hand and asked if you could get an STD from dogs. I have officially now ruined any extremely small chance I had of being popular. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 438
You deserved it 79 580

Same thing different taste

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NightTenshi 0

man's best friends with benefits?

quite frankly... if you're popular in high school... it wont benefit you in any way because you're going to be at the bottom of the totem pole once you hit college and university and nobody will really care that you were popular, because there's no such thing as popularity in college and university. But since you live in the USA... well... it speaks for itself. Because in Canada... we don't believe in popularity... we actually like each other and don't judge as harshly on each other for "social status". I went to high school for 2 years in the US and... popularity means absolutely nothing in regards to the future you want to have, no matter what you want it to be because high school popularity wont get you anywhere. So... you basically did yourself a favour. You'll survive...

thats a funny question. ask it with confidence next time and should be the funniest kid in school

I sincerely hope you haven't, or are planning to, do anything ***********-like. Also to 181, don't be such a ******* **** and say that Canadian schools are non-bullying, because that is total bullshit, and EVERY public school has bullying problems, you ignorant, self-obsessed, American-HAting shrew.

jcorrea8521 5