By loser4life - 30/07/2011 04:38 - United States

Today, in health class, I raised my hand and asked if you could get an STD from dogs. I have officially now ruined any extremely small chance I had of being popular. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 437
You deserved it 79 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments


rofflewaffle 9

-134 We Americans treat our food animals just as cruelly (and there are videos of that, too). The only difference is that we think of dogs and cats as pets. But I guarantee you, if there were no other options for you, little Fluffy might start looking better and better... So think about other people's cultures and situations before you blindly judge them as cruel.

coffeeandcream 8

you need to get a human.

I thought were perfect until you said you hate country music. lol

Mipz 2

Well, you screwed the pooch on this one....

Well OP,I am sure you will be popular with all the pervs that loves to watch a girl have sex with a dog.

sparxva 12

Dude, don't you know by now that questions like that are why the Internet was invented? YDI. P.s. Yes, that's also how animals can get STDs...

Playful1985 9

You should have asked the teacher privately