Average sports ball fan

By Paula - 25/01/2023 15:30

Today, my husband threw a tantrum and, in a blind rage, admitted to having an affair with his co-worker. All because the Cowboys are not making it to the SuperBowl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 711
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with Cowboys fans. I have seen 4 different TikTok videos of Cowboys fans losing it over the loss this year, and now this. Your team has choked for over a decade now, you should be used to,it by now. Plus be glad your not a Lions fan

Looks like the Cowboys aren't the only ones with a ****** up scoring record.


What is it with Cowboys fans. I have seen 4 different TikTok videos of Cowboys fans losing it over the loss this year, and now this. Your team has choked for over a decade now, you should be used to,it by now. Plus be glad your not a Lions fan

She's such a CeeDee *****! Does she choke on the big ones like Dak Prescott? Did he turn to her because he thinks you have an Ezekiel Elliott, that is, a tired, worn-out pussy? Dr. Phil and Stephen A. Smith need to know!

Looks like the Cowboys aren't the only ones with a ****** up scoring record.

This is why you should have married a Dolphins fan instead - warm weather home games and we have zero expectations.

What?!??! The Cowboys are not making it to the SuperBowl?!?!

Yes, it's the 21st century. The Cowboys haven't come close to the Super Bowl for a quarter-century.

You deserve it, the writing was on the wall when you married a Cowboys fan. It will only get worse.