By fucked - 06/02/2015 08:06 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, in a desperate attempt to get fired, I sent a sexual love letter to my boss. We're going on our first date tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 027
You deserved it 40 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you just quit? You know, like a normal person? It's not that hard.


then ull send a letter tryin to get out of relationship and marry her

Time to pull your best fifty shades of grey impression so he can get creep out

xxreikoxx 31

What if he likes "Fifty Shades of Grey?"

RipeFlame 18

why not just quit and find another know, like a normal human being. its actually quite messed up on your part to play games like that. I feel sorry for your boss.

Out of the many options you had to easily end a job, you chose a sexy letter? Ahaha you definitely deserved this.

You wanted to be fired so you could blame the patriarchy? Smooth.

You know, quitting looks better on your résumé than getting fired.