By Shameonme - 26/10/2008 16:04 - Morocco

Today, I yelled out while I was asleep. However, I was sleeping during a very important meeting with customers and my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 580
You deserved it 61 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennaleighhh 0

why were you sleeping at a "very important meeting"? you silly, silly person.

Well, Bruce Wayne slept at meetings too.


pezadora420 0
jennaleighhh 0

why were you sleeping at a "very important meeting"? you silly, silly person.

Well, Bruce Wayne slept at meetings too.

Yeah, and look what happened to him. He lost Wayne Industries.

She could have been sleepy. People's body systems are different. Some people need more sleep than others. Be understanding.

some people like me don't get affected by caffeine.

Madman85 0

Wow, brilliant. I choked on my gum while reading this. If it's any consolation, I'm at work.

I agree with #1... Gotta spice things up!

"well be right back after these messages from binford tools!"