By kingkobrastrikes - 21/01/2015 01:56 - United States

Today, I was asleep and snored so loud that I woke myself up. I was at work and I am now the laughing stock of the office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 517
You deserved it 20 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In some parts of Asia it is considered a great thing to fall asleep on the job because it means you were working so hard you got exhausted! Just use that as an excuse!

It's tough cuz we don't know OP's Life and maybe there was a good reason for being tired, but generally I think you may deserve it for falling asleep at work.


Nickb55 16

OP should consider themselves lucky to be a laughing stock than jobless.

"I wasn't snoring! I was riding my motorcycle!"

iTzSelverZz 14

Better get enough goodnight sleep next time OP

I don't understand why this comment was down voted so much. Sure, the work is an important aspect of life, but not so much as of enough sleep to get your body back up and running. Going to work sleepy and tired is almost as good as not working at all..

Sleep is important, it can prevent embarrassing situations like this one.

#4 I always thought sleep was important to keep your body well rested and properly functioning.

It's tough cuz we don't know OP's Life and maybe there was a good reason for being tired, but generally I think you may deserve it for falling asleep at work.

Better to have woken yourself up from snoring rather than farting I suppose......

In some parts of Asia it is considered a great thing to fall asleep on the job because it means you were working so hard you got exhausted! Just use that as an excuse!

I can already picture a life in Japan then...working the first few hours in the morning, then take a lengthy nap in the afternoon, wake up and get praised by my boss for being a hard worker.

#14 They don't go home till late at night, though. Sorry!

I was conducting an experiment I saw on Big Bang theory.

Hey, at least you know you won't get in trouble for sleeping. Do it more often...

#10 that is terrible advice. How about instead of sleeping more often, OP tries to get a full 8 hours of sleep to hopefully avoid this again and avoid possible firing.

Or he could be getting a full 16 hours of sleep....

homesuckfucker 28

Apples are easy to carry around and are good for staying awake without a sugar/caffeine crash later. I'm sure your coworkers will eventually forget about it. In my experience, people start to lose interest in making fun of you if you play along.