By Noname - 26/10/2008 21:20 - United States

Today, while at the dinner table, my grandmother told me she backed over a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 187
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

I agree with # 1 and 7. Today I was ran over by a crazy old grandma driving a dinner table FML

Why does your Grandmother being a shit driver mean your life is ******? This isn't an FML...


Why does your Grandmother being a shit driver mean your life is ******? This isn't an FML...

Jbiebs82 0

This means, when they were eating dinner, he grandma told her of once when she backed over a cat. just making it clear

The rules say not to complain about whether a FML is a FML or not.

xMooMoox 0

I agree with # 1 and 7. Today I was ran over by a crazy old grandma driving a dinner table FML

Ange_fml 0

That's not even that bad? Now if it was YOUR cat. Or if she tried to cook it or something.. yeah. ew. lol

chrisbeaudoin 26

An animal is an animal wether it was op's or not that's quite sad

snoopy24_fml 0

was it yours or a close friend's? because THAT'S what would make this be an fml...

craZlife 0

unless your grandma lives in an RV, that sounds difficult. perhaps you meant, "Today, while at the dinner table, my grandma told me she backed over a cat. FML" i'm not trying to be a grammar nazi. i only bother because it actually significantly changes the meaning of the sentence. was it your cat? sucks for the cat and the owner...shouldn't fyl too badly

Also, grandma could be in a wheelchair and she backed into a cat

lol @ #1. I was thinking the same thing!