By Coach - 30/10/2009 13:19 - United States

Today, I was woken up from a phone call from my boss. He asked if I had been asleep. I told him I wasn't, that I was in my car on the way to work. Then my alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 340
You deserved it 41 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmaoatyourlife 0

Im confused, if you was meant to be on your way to work at that time then why was your alarm set for a later time?

Ellowise_fml 0

Today, I lied to my boss and he found out. FML ...... wow......... YDI


jts2 3

Bad. Anyway, sucks when your lyin' self is revealed, huh? Just hope that it didn't end too badly.

HahaYDI 0

Maybe the FML website got tired of people shouting "FIRST ZOMG!!!". And they decided to just get rid of that number. SO now we can all start an FML by shouting "Second!!".

RachelTM 0

Now now, don't give them any ideas! ;-)

minnieminroe 0

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your gay. I hate it when people shout first. I mean no one cares if your first or not you just make yourself sound dumb.

lmaoatyourlife 0

Im confused, if you was meant to be on your way to work at that time then why was your alarm set for a later time?

I think he was being polite like "nah you didn't wake me up it's cool" when his boss obviously did. Not at all an FML

It's not that hard to understand. It's happened to me, but it was my mom calling to make sure I was up doing chores. I set my alarm clock and managed to sleep through it, possibly hitting the snooze, for hours. This could be the case. The boss called to see where they were, I assume because they were supposed to be at work.

hahahaha thats FUNNY i hope he found the humor in that

Mangusu 0

Haha, its like a scene straight of a movie. This one needs to be illustrated.

Ellowise_fml 0

Today, I lied to my boss and he found out. FML ...... wow......... YDI

Chaith 16

YDI for not having your alarm set to radio. You might have even won him over. Haha.

YDI for lieing about something really stupid.

Wait. Were you supposed to be at work early or something? Or was your alarm clock set later than usual? This makes no sense...why would your boss be calling you before you typically even wake up let alone be in your car?