By Anon - 14/08/2016 10:58 - United States - Tracy

Today, a cute guy came up to me and asked for my phone number. I was super excited and began to write it down when he said, "It doesn't have to be your real number, I'm not gonna call anyway." I still gave him my real number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 478
You deserved it 1 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That guy is an ass. If you were still willing to give him your number after that line, it really does reflect how you feel about yourself. No one can convince you to feel differently about yourself, but I personally believe, no matter who you are, you should feel enough respect for yourself to know and understand you deserve way better than that asshole. I'm sure most people on here agree. I hope he doesn't call. Why? I hope you find someone who will treat you with the respect you deserve as a human being from the beginning to the end.

Why would he come ask just to tell you he's not going to call?


Why would he come ask just to tell you he's not going to call?

hellobobismyname 24

Probably to show off to his friends or make another girl jealous?

Maybe he had a bet going on, or he and his buddies are assholes and just did it so they could laugh at OP.

mzdaisylynn 12

Probably some sort of fraternity thing

You should have written a message in numeric code to confuse him

I highly doubt he would've given a shit either way, from what I gathered in the FML.

And he called and you're both in love now right? Right?

That guy is an ass. If you were still willing to give him your number after that line, it really does reflect how you feel about yourself. No one can convince you to feel differently about yourself, but I personally believe, no matter who you are, you should feel enough respect for yourself to know and understand you deserve way better than that asshole. I'm sure most people on here agree. I hope he doesn't call. Why? I hope you find someone who will treat you with the respect you deserve as a human being from the beginning to the end.

So why would he ask anyways? And why did you still give him your number?

A dare from friends and probably bragging rights saying he can get some girls number without trying.

You deserve that one for still giving him your phone number. (Like really...?) After that line I would've told him to eff off and be on my merry way.

Maybe op has self esteem issues. Nice victim blaming tho ?

He's a jerk, he'll most likely always be a jerk. But she could of just not done anything too. I understood they might or do have self esteem issues. But this won't help her at all, she has to help herself a little too.

Way to cover your ass after blaming her lol No shit she has to help herself. That wasn't my point. It was the victim blaming part of your comment I was pointing out. No one deserves some bullshit because they don't have the social skills to say no or whatever it may be. Clearly she has to work on her social issues but to say she deserved it like you did is atrocious.

victim my ass. he didnt force her, she made a choice. his choice was to be a dick, her choice was to give her number anyway. i dont see a victim i see a dick and an idiot. if you cant take responsibility for your own choives then you are the root of the problem

Either you're too young to understand the correlation between self esteem issues and mental problems or you're just ignorant to how it works together. This is my study and profession as I'm becoming an psychiatrist. Everything is not as black and white as you want it. Maybe one day your daughter( God forbid you actually have kids) will go through the same thing and you shouldn't stand up for her because you know by your definition she's just an "idiot" not a victim. Your words not mine. While you keep living in your black and white box I will be helping these kids one day so they can be confident of who they are. Now please with all due respect, **** off (:

Perhaps OP is a victim, but if that's the case, she'll never be anything but a victim until she realizes that she has complete responsibility over her own actions. Nobody can help her until she helps herself. I don't think we should be mean to OP, but at the same time, babying OP isn't doing her any favors.

Pretty much everyone said that already. I, the poster above and the other guy said she needs to help herself. That wasn't the point I was making/arguing. No one babied her in the first place. These two were putting her down. I was just stating that clearly she has an issue with social skills/environments... ****** hell

And now he's got a piece of your personal info to do whatever the hell he wants with. Good going.

Who's he gonna call? Not you apparently. Seriously though, don't waste your time on guys like that.

"Today, I worked up the courage to ask for a cute girl's phone number. I'm extremely socially awkward, so I told her she could write anything because I wasn't gonna to call, joking that I'd lose the nerve. I was uncontrollably deadpan and actually lost the nerve to explain what I meant. FML"

If only more people could be so respectful. At least then she wouldn't have been so hurt by a childish prank.