By Casden - 13/09/2009 15:57 - United States

Today, I was hanging out with my best friend. I have been getting explicit texts and phone calls so I just joking said to my friend, "I think someone wrote my number on a bathroom stall." At which point he said, "Sorry, I didn't think people really called those numbers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 212
You deserved it 3 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao thats madd funny!! i had that with a craigslist posting.... :/ oh well, at least you have a chance to make new friends (:

geesquared 0

put HIS number all over popular youtube videos... ouch


lmao thats madd funny!! i had that with a craigslist posting.... :/ oh well, at least you have a chance to make new friends (:

Gia0896 0

DAmn, then you might wanna get a girl best friend. .

nahh i don't use it. my friend put my pic and number on and i got tonz of txts from random horny old guys

lmao that's not troll-like... ahh well, tsall good (: how's the weather?

I agree with Dame. Get him back. If he's straight, put his number in a gay bar. Or vice versa. Revengeeeee.

Dogman332 0

Hey to all stoners out there. I just smoked catnip. Wow, now THAT stuff gives a major KICK.

mooreon131 0

any guys (or girls too i guess) looking for sexy fun time, call me at 410-487-3362!

the_stereotype 0

how would you not notice, though? because they're both wouldn't YOU notice your number on teh bathroom wall?

Unlikely. The friend probably wrote it in a stall, and the dude probably just uses the urinals.

xMooMoox 0

I think he probably wrote it a while ago and not necessarily when he was hanging out with the friend.

xBrightKnee 4

ewh broeeee. horny old guys on craigslist. I am SO glad nobody did that to me :/

benny2465 0

dude op that's what guys do, we piss eachother off on purpose, just get revenge

bizarre_ftw 21

36 - or on a huge billboard somewhere, it might cost some money but you'll be a revenge legend

Wow are you ******* serious? You need to go watch Dumb and Dumber :P

his friend wrote his number on the wall

Lol nice try at trying to impersonate DameGrey Talk about retarded

#37, you fail at life. Go die. The REAL DameGreyWulf (with an L) has a sense of humor. If you're going to impersonate someone, it should be someone more on your own level. I would suggest Britney Spears.

Wow, some people really don't have a life. Also, that's creepy that someone would do that.

shuttuplily 0

Well she confessed.. whats the problem?

lol owned, FYL, your friend must be really annoying

xoerica9 0

aha, oh man. This was hilarious. FYL, that sucks. The last few FML's have been funny FYL's, contrary to the dumb "YDI's" that seem to populate this site.

x_Leopard_x 1