By Anonymous - 27/06/2015 19:58

Today, I wore flip-flops to work. Just as I walked onto the elevator, they made a sound very close to that of a fart. About 10 seconds later, some asshole let out a silent but deadly fart, earning me a bunch of disgusted looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 466
You deserved it 4 859

Same thing different taste


If you work at an office, you kinda deserve it for not wearing work appropriate attire. Then again, it's not your fault that someone farted...

graceinsheepwear 33

Work-appropriate varies by workplace.

Don't worry, everyone who smelled it will probably forget about it by tomorrow :) You definitely didn't deserve it though. FYL.

Who the hell wears flip flops to work? Or anywhere there's an elevator unless it's a resort hotel?

YDI for wearing flip flops to work. Even if where you work has a casual dress code, flip flops are probably pushing it.

It very much depends on the workplace. A few examples have been given above. My office has no dress code -- and elevators.

In my office, we can wear whatever we want. Seriously, on the same day, you can find a guy wearing a suit and tie, another in jogging pants, and a woman in a sundress. And as for shoes, several people actually work barefoot or in slippers. We don't directly interact with our clients, so who cares?

Haha. "Some asshole"..... LITERALLY!!!!! XD

Frankly anyone who would have the adasity to wear flip-flops to my workplace would get fired... Flip-flops are for children and hippies.

tarlax 11

"Adasity." Really? REALLY? And you're 27? Oh my god.

Don't worry OP, be proud and let it cloud.