By Anonymous - 27/06/2015 19:58

Today, I wore flip-flops to work. Just as I walked onto the elevator, they made a sound very close to that of a fart. About 10 seconds later, some asshole let out a silent but deadly fart, earning me a bunch of disgusted looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 466
You deserved it 4 859

Same thing different taste


Ok, to be honest I stop caring at "flip flops at work" Now all I want to know is Where do you work?

What's with all the YDI for wearing flip-flops to work. A lot of office jobs that are not client-facing have no or extremely casual dress code. People at my office from interns to senior level execs wear t-shirts and gym shorts and no one cares. It all depends on the role.

Flip-flops to work? YDI 9 ways til Sunday.

You are correct, the silent but deadly did come out of an asshole!