Is this a joke?

By Anonymous - 19/08/2020 23:02

Today, I told my wife if she wanted to get a divorce, she just had to get a cat since I'm deathly allergic. She got two. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 460
You deserved it 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like she wants to make sure she kills you. With divorce, she just gets half of your shit. As a widow, she gets it all!

OP, either your wife took that as a challenge and decided to call your bluff or she has given you the answer about the future of your marriage. You have a few choices, none are great: (1) Divorce (2) Allergy medication and knowing she has emasculated you (3) Marriage counseling If you do not have children count your blessings and divorce her.


silverscrescent 12
genuinegoodguy 9

You lucky man. Just ditch her.

OP, either your wife took that as a challenge and decided to call your bluff or she has given you the answer about the future of your marriage. You have a few choices, none are great: (1) Divorce (2) Allergy medication and knowing she has emasculated you (3) Marriage counseling If you do not have children count your blessings and divorce her.

Looks like she wants to make sure she kills you. With divorce, she just gets half of your shit. As a widow, she gets it all!

bloopaloop 27

Sounds like you’re getting divorced right meow!

This is considered spousal abuse, because she is knowingly putting you in a dangerous situation I think you got your answer, leave