By Light Sleeper - 14/10/2012 04:24 - United States - Evansville

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend trying to initiate sex with me in my sleep. He confessed to thinking that if he did it lightly enough, I'd think I was just dreaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 037
You deserved it 4 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please inform him that's legally considered to be rape, if you haven't already! Surely most jurisdictions would have it down as so, anyway.

Wow, it wouldn't let me add my comment no matter how many times I submitted. I, out of frustration, put a bunch of dots and hit submit. OF COURSE it submits that one. I accept all thumbs down with full knowledge of the consequence of my actions.


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Wow, it wouldn't let me add my comment no matter how many times I submitted. I, out of frustration, put a bunch of dots and hit submit. OF COURSE it submits that one. I accept all thumbs down with full knowledge of the consequence of my actions.

I'm impressed that you got to try multiple times and still managed to snag number 1. I'm still thumbing it down, but I'm impressed.

I know, right? I even got number one on the next one, too. I guess I just got lucky. And I understand; I even thumbed it down myself.

Can you tell us what meant for your first comment to be?

JerryH 9

Please inform him that's legally considered to be rape, if you haven't already! Surely most jurisdictions would have it down as so, anyway.

YourEvilHero 12

I'm sure she didn't freak out about it too much.

Smokohauntas 3

Well if they have been living together for over a certain period of time and have names on certain documents they can be considered by law to be married. And most rape cases with married couples hardly ever even see a court.

wlddog 14

Shut up #2. Every guy tries that at least once. You obviously have no idea how to properly identify something as a "rape". Its stupid women like you that give women that were actually raped so many problems.

leonardo_cserny 0

Rape really... then I guess you dancing in a club is striptease right?

#44 I'm sure not every guy would do that..

MalloryKnox 8

Rape sounds a lil extreme.. Especially considering I've seen "wake your man up by initiating sex!" more than once in Cosmo sex tips.. Double standard?

legal371 5

It's her bf not some random pervert

wlddog - No, NOT every guy has tried that, you jackass! If you have sex with someone while she (or he) is asleep, that is non-consensual, and it is therefore rape. Look up the definition before you go spouting off at the mouth, idiot. It is no different than having sex with a woman (or man) who is intoxicated and is too impaired to give consent. If you wake her up, then it's great night time fun. But if your sole intention is to do it without her waking up (as OP suggested), that IS rape. Full stop.

Please 44. Get off of FML until you know how to comment the right shit.

spekledworf 18

My boyfriend does this literally every time I'm in bed with him. While I wont take him to court for rape, it's a major pain in the ass

Technically it's rape, but honestly when you think of rape does anyone think of someone softly putting there penis in there live-in girlfriend's ******. He was attempting to not wake her up. Let's compare your stupid way of looking at things to murder. It's killing someone. Do you consider all the surgeons that take risks on a dying person to try and save there lives, but fail, murderers? No harm was done so shut up about this being rape. He also stopped when she asked so, correcting myself, I don't believe this is a rape. But if you nerdy bastards have nothing better to do than search up the definition and it is rape, than like I said before, no harm was done so stop hating the boyfriend.

missamazinggg 12

44- I'm pretty sure women who got raped have problems because of the rape, not because of "stupid women like OP".

DatRealAssTruth 3
LiesAndMischief 4

71 - You did not seriously just ******* compare a surgeon trying to save someone's life to some creepy asshole trying to have sex with his girlfriend without waking her up.

The rule with rape is that there can't be a reasonable expectation of consent. She's obviously not going to consent if she doesn't know, so this is rape unless she said "**** me in my sleep" earlier (kinky). If he were trying to wake her up with sex, and they were sexually active together, then it's okay because it's fair for him to assume that she would consent as she woke up.

SenselessPattern 12

Hm, in lifeguarding they taught us when someone is unconscious, it's taken as implied consent. Rapists just need to knock people out first, then it's all good I guess. The above statement is coated with a 3inch layer of sarcasm.

71- Please learn the difference between their/there and then/than before commenting.

"f he were trying to wake her up with sex, and they were sexually active together, then it's okay because it's fair for him to assume that she would consent as she woke up." Not exactly. It's not because you are sexually active with someone, that this means you have a free-pass for sex whenever you want. It is NOT fair for him to assume that she will consent, because there's always a chance that she doesn't, which she has completely the right to. And then, boy, you will have to do lots of efforts and buy tons of flowers to make it okay.

MrCatman1125 - This is quite possibly one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen here, and possibly one of the worst arguments I've ever seen anywhere. How in the **** does a surgeon who tries to save a life but fails even compare to this situation AT ALL? There's no comparison whatsoever, and the fact that your feeble little brain even conjured up this absurd bullshit has firmly convinced me that you are nothing but an imbecile. You obviously don't have two working brain cells to rub together. Please please please leave here and never come back. People like you deserve to have their mouths super glued shut.

ThisIsMe_18 13

44: you're dumb, just saying.

Sounds like he gets off from stuff like that, that's strange. That or he is an idiot. Either way FYL.

enormouselephant 15

Maybe if you lightly kick him in the balls while he's sleeping, he'll think he's dreaming.

Maybe if she gets pregnant while sleeping, she'll think it's just a nightmare.

agonydrum 7

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I think your boyfriend sounds really creepy. Watch out OP.

Is he that awful in bed that he thinks you'd be better off asleep during it?

Only solution for this is to duct tape your pajamas to your body to prevent access during the night. Trust me, it works. I haven't had the underpants gnomes steal my underwear in over 2 months now.

I wish I had thought of that solution before they stole all of mine. Damn Gnomes!

WeAreRisen 6

1. Underpants 2. ????? 3. Profit!

That would be a much more serious problem.

Yes, because each time we fall asleep, we die. -.-

81-and then post FML's from beyond the grave.

rifletwirler92 15

Yeah, you should tell him that's considered to be rape, relationship or not. Also you might want to look for a new boyfriend.

Yeah, you can't consent to sex whilst asleep because you have no control over your body and limited awareness of the outside world. Dump him. He clearly does not respect you or value your needs and wishes.

legal371 5

Seriously? Does she sound like she absolutely did not want sex? She was just weirded out that he tried while she was asleep. Calm the **** down.

It's generally considered good form to check first rather than to just go ahead on assumption.

This would just turn me on... I don't understand why everyone's making such a big deal over it being rape when he didn't actually do it...

Because a) you can only speak for yourself, I and plenty of other people would not find it hot, and b) if you find it hot, mention it to your partner rather than expecting them to guess! And to preempt anyone saying "what if she mentioned it before" then please consider that FML is for people to post their annoying, sad, unpleasant and generally *unwelcome* experiences.

Wow Rattusrattus... Over-react much? I'm guessing you're like 16 because there are way more variables at play here than you're accounting for -Mature couples who have been together for a long time engage in activities like this all the time because there is a degree of trust built up. How else do you think people wind up having sex in the middle of the night? One partner is usually asleep and the other tries to rouse them sexually. I mean, would you be turned on if your partner shook you awake from a deep sleep and then was like "hey sorry to wake you, wanna bang?" Use your head before you jump on the rape wagon there, or maybe you think people should go to jail for giving wet-willies

To this situation there is no over reaction. She can have him sent to jail because he was attempting to rape her. Taking advantage of someone who isn't able to give consent is completely and utterly illegal. That is why you can't have sex with an overly drunk girl at a party. If she was fine with waking up to her BF trying to have sex with her. It wouldn't be on FML. They obviously didn't discuss this situation. He took it Upon himself to go ahead with our even asking. It doesn't matter if they dating it wouldn't even matter if they were married. That's her body and he needs to respect it. Period.

I hate to be a wet blanket, but I got snooze for your boyfriend - you can't just sleep it in without her knowing. It dozen't work that way. Snore't right to try that bullsheet anyway - wake her gently with kisses and pillow talk next time. Good luck.